Visual Studio Community For Mac C

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Visual Studio for Mac is a new member of the Visual Studio family, enabling developers on macOS to build apps for mobile, web, and cloud with Xamarin and.NET Core, as well as games with Unity. Visual Studio for Mac enables the creation of.NET Core solutions, providing the back-end services to your client solutions. Code, debug, and test these cloud services simultaneously with your client solutions for increased productivity. There has no option to create C++ project in this version and some other community members reported this suggestion to the Visual Studio Product Team, please check this: Support C++ in Visual Studio for Mac and you can vote it, then waiting for the feedback from the Visual Studio Product Team.

Microsoft Visual Studio
Screenshot of Visual Studio 2013, editing the source code of a C++ program
Stable release2019 version 16.2.3 [1](August 20, 2019; 16 days ago[1])[±]
Preview release2019 version 16.3.0 Preview 3 (September 4, 2019; 1 day ago[2])[±]
Operating system
  • Windows 7 SP1 and later
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 and later[3]
Available inChinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish and Turkish[4]
TypeIntegrated development environment

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.

Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler, forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion and Git) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Team Foundation Server client: Team Explorer).

Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C,[6]C++, C++/CLI, Visual Basic .NET, C#, F#,[7]JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, XSLT, HTML, and CSS. Support for other languages such as Python,[8]Ruby, Node.js, and M among others is available via plug-ins. Java (and J#) were supported in the past.

The most basic edition of Visual Studio, the Community edition, is available free of charge. The slogan for Visual Studio Community edition is 'Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developers'.

The currently supported Visual Studio version is 2019.

  • 2Features
  • 3Supported products
  • 4Editions
  • 5History
    • 5.72010
    • 5.82012
  • 6Related products


Visual Studio does not support any programming language, solution or tool intrinsically; instead, it allows the plugging of functionality coded as a VSPackage. When installed, the functionality is available as a Service. The IDE provides three services: SVsSolution, which provides the ability to enumerate projects and solutions; SVsUIShell, which provides windowing and UI functionality (including tabs, toolbars, and tool windows); and SVsShell, which deals with registration of VSPackages. In addition, the IDE is also responsible for coordinating and enabling communication between services.[9] All editors, designers, project types and other tools are implemented as VSPackages. Visual Studio uses COM to access the VSPackages. The Visual Studio SDK also includes the Managed Package Framework (MPF), which is a set of managed wrappers around the COM-interfaces that allow the Packages to be written in any CLI compliant language.[10] However, MPF does not provide all the functionality exposed by the Visual Studio COM interfaces.[11]The services can then be consumed for creation of other packages, which add functionality to the Visual Studio IDE.

Support for programming languages is added by using a specific VSPackage called a Language Service. A language service defines various interfaces which the VSPackage implementation can implement to add support for various functionalities.[12] Functionalities that can be added this way include syntax coloring, statement completion, brace matching, parameter information tooltips, member lists, and error markers for background compilation.[12] If the interface is implemented, the functionality will be available for the language. Language services are implemented on a per-language basis. The implementations can reuse code from the parser or the compiler for the language.[12] Language services can be implemented either in native code or managed code. For native code, either the native COM interfaces or the Babel Framework (part of Visual Studio SDK) can be used.[13] For managed code, the MPF includes wrappers for writing managed language services.[14]

Visual Studio does not include any source control support built in but it defines two alternative ways for source control systems to integrate with the IDE.[15] A Source Control VSPackage can provide its own customised user interface. In contrast, a source control plugin using the MSSCCI (Microsoft Source Code Control Interface) provides a set of functions that are used to implement various source control functionality, with a standard Visual Studio user interface.[16][17] MSSCCI was first used to integrate Visual SourceSafe with Visual Studio 6.0 but was later opened up via the Visual Studio SDK. Visual Studio .NET 2002 used MSSCCI 1.1, and Visual Studio .NET 2003 used MSSCCI 1.2. Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010 use MSSCCI Version 1.3, which adds support for rename and delete propagation, as well as asynchronous opening.[17]

Visual Studio supports running multiple instances of the environment (each with its own set of VSPackages). The instances use different registry hives (see MSDN's definition of the term 'registry hive' in the sense used here) to store their configuration state and are differentiated by their AppId (Application ID). The instances are launched by an AppId-specific .exe that selects the AppId, sets the root hive, and launches the IDE. VSPackages registered for one AppId are integrated with other VSPackages for that AppId. The various product editions of Visual Studio are created using the different AppIds. The Visual Studio Express edition products are installed with their own AppIds, but the Standard, Professional, and Team Suite products share the same AppId. Consequently, one can install the Express editions side-by-side with other editions, unlike the other editions which update the same installation. The professional edition includes a superset of the VSPackages in the standard edition, and the team suite includes a superset of the VSPackages in both other editions. The AppId system is leveraged by the Visual Studio Shell in Visual Studio 2008.[18]


Code editor[edit]

Like any other IDE, it includes a code editor that supports syntax highlighting and code completion using IntelliSense for variables, functions, methods, loops, and LINQ queries.[19] IntelliSense is supported for the included languages, as well as for XML, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript when developing web sites and web applications.[20][21] Autocomplete suggestions appear in a modelesslist box over the code editor window, in proximity of the editing cursor. In Visual Studio 2008 onwards, it can be made temporarily semi-transparent to see the code obstructed by it.[19] The code editor is used for all supported languages.

The Visual Studio code editor also supports setting bookmarks in code for quick navigation. Other navigational aids include collapsing code blocks and incremental search, in addition to normal text search and regex search.[22] The code editor also includes a multi-item clipboard and a task list.[22] The code editor supports code snippets, which are saved templates for repetitive code and can be inserted into code and customized for the project being worked on. A management tool for code snippets is built in as well. These tools are surfaced as floating windows which can be set to automatically hide when unused or docked to the side of the screen. The Visual Studio code editor also supports code refactoring including parameter reordering, variable and method renaming, interface extraction, and encapsulation of class members inside properties, among others.

Visual Studio features background compilation (also called incremental compilation).[23][24] As code is being written, Visual Studio compiles it in the background in order to provide feedback about syntax and compilation errors, which are flagged with a red wavy underline. Warnings are marked with a green underline. Background compilation does not generate executable code, since it requires a different compiler than the one used to generate executable code.[25] Background compilation was initially introduced with Microsoft Visual Basic, but has now been expanded for all included languages.[24]


Visual Studio includes a debugger that works both as a source-level debugger and as a machine-level debugger. It works with both managed code as well as native code and can be used for debugging applications written in any language supported by Visual Studio. In addition, it can also attach to running processes, monitor, and debug those processes.[26] If source code for the running process is available, it displays the code as it is being run. If source code is not available, it can show the disassembly. The Visual Studio debugger can also create memory dumps as well as load them later for debugging.[27] Multi-threaded programs are also supported. The debugger can be configured to be launched when an application running outside the Visual Studio environment crashes.

The debugger allows setting breakpoints (which allow execution to be stopped temporarily at a certain position) and watches (which monitor the values of variables as the execution progresses).[28] Breakpoints can be conditional, meaning they get triggered when the condition is met. Code can be stepped over, i.e., run one line (of source code) at a time.[29] It can either step into functions to debug inside it, or step over it, i.e., the execution of the function body isn't available for manual inspection.[29] The debugger supports Edit and Continue, i.e., it allows code to be edited as it is being debugged. When debugging, if the mouse pointer hovers over any variable, its current value is displayed in a tooltip ('data tooltips'), where it can also be modified if desired. During coding, the Visual Studio debugger lets certain functions be invoked manually from the Immediate tool window. The parameters to the method are supplied at the Immediate window.[30]


Visual Studio includes a host of visual designers to aid in the development of applications. These tools include:

Windows Forms Designer
The Windows Forms designer is used to build GUI applications using Windows Forms. Layout can be controlled by housing the controls inside other containers or locking them to the side of the form. Controls that display data (like textbox, list box and grid view) can be bound to data sources like databases or queries. Visual Studio and extend its functionality. Extensions come in the form of macros, add-ins, and packages. Macros represent repeatable tasks and actions that developers can record programmatically for saving, replaying, and distributing. Macros, however, cannot implement new commands or create tool windows. They are written using Visual Basic and are not compiled.[11] Add-Ins provide access to the Visual Studio object model and can interact with the IDE tools. Add-Ins can be used to implement new functionality and can add new tool windows. Add-Ins are plugged into the IDE via COM and can be created in any COM-compliant languages.[11] Packages are created using the Visual Studio SDK and provide the highest level of extensibility. They can create designers and other tools, as well as integrate other programming languages. The Visual Studio SDK provides unmanaged APIs as well as a managed API to accomplish these tasks. However, the managed API isn't as comprehensive as the unmanaged one.[11] Extensions are supported in the Standard (and higher) versions of Visual Studio 2005. Express Editions do not support hosting extensions.

Visual Studio 2008 introduced the Visual Studio Shell that allows for development of a customized version of the IDE. The Visual Studio Shell defines a set of VSPackages that provide the functionality required in any IDE. On top of that, other packages can be added to customize the installation. The Isolated mode of the shell creates a new AppId where the packages are installed. These are to be started with a different executable. It is aimed for development of custom development environments, either for a specific language or a specific scenario. The Integrated mode installs the packages into the AppId of the Professional/Standard/Team System editions, so that the tools integrate into these editions.[18] The Visual Studio Shell is available as a free download.

After the release of Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft created the Visual Studio Gallery. It serves as the central location for posting information about extensions to Visual Studio. Community developers as well as commercial developers can upload information about their extensions to Visual Studio .NET 2002 through Visual Studio 2010. Users of the site can rate and review the extensions to help assess the quality of extensions being posted. An extension is stored in a VSIX file. Internally a VSIX file is a ZIP file that contains some XML files, and possibly one or more DLL's. One of the main advantages of these extensions is that they do not require Administrator rights to be installed. RSS feeds to notify users on updates to the site and tagging features are also planned.[39]

Supported products[edit]

Microsoft Visual C++
Microsoft Visual C++ is Microsoft's partial implementation of the C and full implementation C++compiler and associated languages-services and specific tools for integration with the Visual Studio IDE. It can compile either in C mode or C++ mode. For C++, as of version 15.7 it conforms to C++17.[40] The C implementation of Visual Studio 2015 is still not supporting the full standard; in particular, the complex number header complex.h introduced in C99 is unsupported.
Visual C++ supports the C++/CLI specification to write managed code, as well as mixed-mode code (a mix of native and managed code). Microsoft positions Visual C++ for development in native code or in code that contains both native as well as managed components. Visual C++ supports COM as well as the MFC library. For MFC development, it provides a set of wizards for creating and customizing MFC boilerplate code, and creating GUI applications using MFC. Visual C++ can also use the Visual Studio forms designer to design UI graphically. Visual C++ can also be used with the Windows API. It also supports the use of intrinsic functions,[41] which are functions recognized by the compiler itself and not implemented as a library. Intrinsic functions are used to expose the SSE instruction set of modern CPUs. Visual C++ also includes the OpenMP (version 2.0) specification.[42]
Microsoft Visual C#
Microsoft Visual C#, Microsoft's implementation of the C# language, targets the .NET Framework, along with the language services that lets the Visual Studio IDE support C# projects. While the language services are a part of Visual Studio, the compiler is available separately as a part of the .NET Framework. The Visual C# 2008, 2010 and 2012 compilers support versions 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 of the C# language specifications, respectively. Visual C# supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others.[43]
Microsoft Visual Basic
Microsoft Visual Basic is Microsoft's implementation of the VB.NET language and associated tools and language services. It was introduced with Visual Studio .NET (2002). Microsoft has positioned Visual Basic for Rapid Application Development.[44][45] Visual Basic can be used to author both console applications as well as GUI applications. Like Visual C#, Visual Basic also supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others. Like C#, the VB.NET compiler is also available as a part of .NET Framework, but the language services that let VB.NET projects be developed with Visual Studio, are available as a part of the latter.
Microsoft Visual Web Developer
Microsoft Visual Web Developer is used to create web sites, web applications and web services using ASP.NET. Either C# or VB.NET languages can be used. Visual Web Developer can use the Visual Studio Web Designer to graphically design web page layouts.
Team Foundation Server
Team Foundation Server is intended for collaborative software development projects and provides version control, work planning and tracking, data collection, and reporting. It also includes the Team Explorer which is integrated inside Visual Studio. On 10 September 2018, Microsoft announced a rebranding of Team Foundation Server to 'Azure DevOps Server'.[46]

Previous products[edit]

Visual FoxPro
Visual FoxPro is a>Product nameCodenameVersion
numberLatest UpdateSupported .NET
Framework versionsSupported .NET
Core versionsRelease dateSupport EndsVisual Studio 2019[60]Dev1616. - 4.8[61]1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0 Preview[61]2 April 2019[62]Current stable version:10 April 2029[63]Visual Studio 2017[64]Dev15
[citation needed] – 4.7.1[65]1.0-1.1,[66] 2.0[67]

Visual Studio 2017 For Mac

7 March 2017Older version, yet still supported: 13 April 2027[68]Visual Studio 2015Dev14
[citation needed]14.0Update 32.0 – July 2015Older version, yet still supported: 14 October 2025[69]Visual Studio 2013Dev12
[citation needed]12.0Update 52.0 – 4.5.2N/A17 October 2013Older version, yet still supported: 9 April 2024[70]Visual Studio 2012Dev11
[citation needed]11.0Update 52.0 – 4.5.2N/A12 September 2012Older version, yet still supported: 10 January 2023[71]Visual Studio 2010Dev10,[72]Rosario[73]10.0Service Pack 12.0 – 4.0N/A12 April 2010Older version, yet still supported: 14 July 2020[74]Visual Studio 2008Orcas[75]9.0Service Pack 12.0, 3.0, 3.5N/A19 November 2007Old version, no longer supported: 10 April 2018[76]Visual Studio 2005Whidbey[77]8.0Service Pack 12.0, 3.0N/A7 November 2005Old version, no longer supported: 12 April 2016[78]Visual Studio .NET 2003Everett[79]7.1Service Pack 11.1N/A24 April 2003Old version, no longer supported: 14 October 2013[80]Visual Studio .NET (2002)Rainier[81]7.0Service Pack 11.0N/A13 February 2002Old version, no longer supported: 14 July 2009[82]Visual Studio 6.0Aspen[83]6.0N/AN/AN/AJune 1998Old version, no longer supported: 30 September 2005[84][85]Visual Studio 97Boston[86]5.0N/AN/AN/AFebruary 1997Old version, no longer supported: 30 June 2003[87]


Microsoft first released Visual Studio (codenamed Boston,[86] for the city of the same name, thus beginning the VS codenames related to places)[86] in 1997, bundling many of its programming tools together for the first time. Visual Studio 97 came in two editions: Visual Studio Professional and Visual Studio Enterprise, the professional edition has three CDs, and the enterprise on four CDs. It included Visual J++ 1.1 for Java programming and introduced Visual InterDev for creating dynamically generated web sites using Active Server Pages.[citation needed] There was a single companion CD that contained the Microsoft Developer Network library.

Visual Studio 97 was Microsoft's first attempt at using the same development environment for multiple languages. Visual J++, InterDev, and the MSDN Library had all been using the same 'environment', called Developer Studio.[89]

Visual Studio was also sold as a bundle with the separate IDEs used for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.[18]

6.0 (1998)[edit]

The next version, version 6.0 (codenamed Aspen, after the ski resort in Colorado),[citation needed] was released in June 1998 and is the last version to run on the Windows 9x platform.[90] Each version of each language in part also settled to v6.0, including Visual J++ which was prior v1.1, and Visual InterDev at the 1st release. The v6 edition of Microsoft was the core environment for the next four releases to provide programmers with an integrated look-alike platform. This led Microsoft to transition the development on the platform independent .NET Framework.

Visual Studio 6.0 was the last version to include Visual J++,[91][92] which Microsoft removed as part of a settlement with Sun Microsystems that required Microsoft Internet Explorer not to provide support for the Java virtual machine.

Visual Studio 6.0 came in two editions: Professional and Enterprise.[93] The Enterprise edition contained extra features not found in Professional edition, including:

  • Application Performance Explorer
  • Automation Manager
  • Microsoft Visual Modeler
  • RemAuto Connection Manager[citation needed]
  • Visual Studio Analyzer

Visual Studio was also sold as a bundle with the separate IDEs used for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.[18]

.NET (2002)[edit]

Microsoft released Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET), codenamed Rainier (for Washington'sMount Rainier),[citation needed] in February 2002 (the beta version was released via Microsoft Developer Network in 2001). The biggest change was the introduction of a managed code development environment using the .NET Framework. Programs developed using .NET are not compiled to machine language (like C++ is, for example) but instead to a format called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). When a CIL application executes, it is compiled while being executed into the appropriate machine language for the platform it is being executed on, thereby making code portable across several platforms. Programs compiled into CIL can be executed only on platforms which have an implementation of Common Language Infrastructure. It is possible to run CIL programs in Linux or Mac OS X using non-Microsoft .NET implementations like Mono and DotGNU.

This was the first version of Visual Studio to require an NT-based Windows platform.[94] The installer enforces this requirement.

Visual Studio .NET 2002 shipped in four editions: Academic, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. Microsoft introduced C# (C-sharp), a new programming language, that targets .NET. It also introduced the successor to Visual J++ called Visual J#. Visual J# programs use Java's language-syntax. However, unlike Visual J++ programs, Visual J# programs can only target the .NET Framework, not the Java Virtual Machine that all other Java tools target.

Visual Basic changed drastically to fit the new framework, and the new version was called Visual Basic .NET. Microsoft also added extensions to C++, called Managed Extensions for C++, so .NET programs could be created in C++.

Visual Studio .NET can produce applications targeting Windows (using the Windows Forms part of the .NET Framework), the Web (using ASP.NET and Web Services) and, with an add-in, portable devices (using the .NET Compact Framework).

The Visual Studio .NET environment was rewritten to partially use .NET. All languages are versions of Visual Studio, it has a cleaner interface and greater cohesiveness.[citation needed] It is also more customizable with tool windows that automatically hide when not in use. While Visual FoxPro 7 started out as part of Visual Studio .NET 2002, and early VS betas allowed debugging inside VFP-based DLLs, it was removed before release to follow its own development track.[citation needed]

The internal version number of Visual Studio .NET 2002 is version 7.0. Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio .NET 2002 in March 2005.[95]

.NET 2003[edit]

In April 2003, Microsoft introduced a minor upgrade to Visual Studio .NET called Visual Studio .NET 2003, codenamed Everett (for the city of the same name).[citation needed] It includes an upgrade to the .NET Framework, version 1.1, and is the first release to support developing programs for mobile devices, using ASP.NET or the .NET Compact Framework. The Visual C++ compiler's standards-compliance improved, especially in the area of partial template specialization. Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 is a version of the same C++ compiler shipped with Visual Studio .NET 2003 without the IDE that Microsoft made freely available. As of 2010 it is no longer available and the Express Editions have superseded it. The internal version number of Visual Studio .NET 2003 is version 7.1 while the file format version is 8.0.[96]

Visual Studio .NET 2003 shipped in five editions: Academic, Standard, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect edition includes an implementation of Microsoft Visio 2002's modeling technologies, including tools for creating Unified Modeling Language-based visual representations of an application's architecture, and an object-role modeling (ORM) and logical database-modeling solution. 'Enterprise Templates' were also introduced, to help larger development teams standardize coding styles and enforce policies around component usage and property settings.

Service Pack 1 was released 13 September 2006.[97]


Visual Studio 2005, codenamed Whidbey (a reference to Whidbey Island in Puget Sound region),[citation needed] was released online in October 2005 and to retail stores a few weeks later. Microsoft removed the '.NET' moniker from Visual Studio 2005 (as well as every other product with .NET in its name), but it still primarily targets the .NET Framework, which was upgraded to version 2.0. It is the last version available for Windows 2000 and also the last version to be able to target Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows NT 4.0 for C++ applications.[98][99]

Visual Studio 2005's internal version number is 8.0 while the file format version is 9.0.[96] Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2005 on 14 December 2006.[100] An additional update for Service Pack 1 that offers Windows Vista compatibility was made available on 3 June 2007.[101]

Visual Studio 2005 was upgraded to support all the new features introduced in .NET Framework 2.0, including generics and ASP.NET 2.0. The IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio was upgraded for generics and new project types were added to support ASP.NET web services. Visual Studio 2005 additionally introduces support for a new task-based build platform called Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) which employs a new XML-based project file format.[102] Visual Studio 2005 also includes a local web server, separate from IIS, that can host ASP.NET applications during development and testing. It also supports all SQL Server 2005 databases. Database designers were upgraded to support the ADO.NET 2.0, which is included with .NET Framework 2.0. C++ also got a similar upgrade with the addition of C++/CLI which is slated to replace the use of Managed C++.[103] Other new features of Visual Studio 2005 include the 'Deployment Designer' which allows application designs to be validated before deployments, an improved environment for web publishing when combined with ASP.NET 2.0 and load testing to see application performance under various sorts of user loads. Starting with the 2005 edition, Visual Studio also added extensive 64-bit support. While the host development environment itself is only available as a 32-bit application, Visual C++ 2005 supports compiling for x86-64 (AMD64 and Intel 64) as well as IA-64 (Itanium).[104] The Platform SDK included 64-bit compilers and 64-bit versions of the libraries.

Microsoft also announced Visual Studio Tools for Applications as the successor to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and VSA (Visual Studio for Applications). VSTA 1.0 was released to manufacturing along with Office 2007. It is included with Office 2007 and is also part of the Visual Studio 2005 SDK. VSTA consists of a customized IDE, based on the Visual Studio 2005 IDE, and a runtime that can be embedded in applications to expose its features via the .NET object model. Office 2007 applications continue to integrate with VBA, except for InfoPath 2007 which integrates with VSTA. Version 2.0 of VSTA (based on Visual Studio 2008) was released in April 2008.[105] It is significantly different from the first version, including features such as dynamic programming and support for WPF, WCF, WF, LINQ, and .NET 3.5 Framework.


Visual Studio 2008,[106] and Visual Studio Team System 2008[107][108] codenamed Orcas (a reference to Orcas Island, also an island in Puget Sound region, like Whidbey for the previous 2005 release), were released to MSDN subscribers on 19 November 2007 alongside .NET Framework 3.5. The source code for the Visual Studio 2008 IDE is available under a shared source license to some of Microsoft's partners and ISVs.[75] Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 on 11 August 2008.[109] The internal version number of Visual Studio 2008 is version 9.0 while the file format version is 10.0. Visual Studio 2008 is the last version to support targeting Windows 2000 for C++ applications.[110]

Visual Studio 2008 is focused on development of Windows Vista, 2007 Office system, and Web applications. For visual design, a new Windows Presentation Foundation visual designer and a new HTML/CSS editor influenced by Microsoft Expression Web are included. J# is not included. Visual Studio 2008 requires .NET 3.5 Framework and by default configures compiled assemblies to run on .NET Framework 3.5, but it also supports multi-targeting which lets the developers choose which version of the .NET Framework (out of 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, Silverlight CoreCLR or .NET Compact Framework) the assembly runs on. Visual Studio 2008 also includes new code analysis tools, including the new Code Metrics tool (only in Team Edition and Team Suite Edition).[111] For Visual C++, Visual Studio adds a new version of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC 9.0) that adds support for the visual styles and UI controls introduced with Windows Vista.[112] For native and managed code interoperability, Visual C++ introduces the STL/CLR, which is a port of the C++Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms to managed code. STL/CLR defines STL-like containers, iterators and algorithms that work on C++/CLImanaged objects.[113][114]

Visual Studio 2008 features include an XAML-based designer (codenamed Cider), workflow designer, LINQ to SQL designer (for defining the type mappings and object encapsulation for SQL Server data), XSLT debugger, JavaScriptIntellisense support, JavaScript Debugging support, support for UACmanifests, a concurrent build system, among others.[115] It ships with an enhanced set of UI widgets, both for Windows Forms and WPF. It also includes a multithreaded build engine (MSBuild) to compile multiple source files (and build the executable file) in a project across multiple threads simultaneously. It also includes support for compiling iconresources in PNG format, introduced in Windows Vista. An updated XML Schema designer was released separately some time after the release of Visual Studio 2008.[116]

Visual Studio Debugger includes features targeting easier debugging of multi-threaded applications. In debugging mode, in the Threads window, which lists all the threads, hovering over a thread displays the stack trace of that thread in tooltips.[117] The threads can directly be named and flagged for easier identification from that window itself.[118] In addition, in the code window, along with indicating the location of the currently executing instruction in the current thread, the currently executing instructions in other threads are also pointed out.[118][119] The Visual Studio debugger supports integrated debugging of the .NET 3.5 Framework Base Class Library (BCL) which can dynamically download the BCL source code and debug symbols and allow stepping into the BCL source during debugging.[120] As of 2010 a limited subset of the BCL source is available, with more library support planned for later.


On 12 April 2010, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2010, codenamed Dev10,[72] and .NET Framework 4.[121][122]

The Visual Studio 2010 IDE was redesigned which, according to Microsoft, clears the UI organization and 'reduces clutter and complexity.'[123] The new IDE better supports multiple document windows and floating tool windows,[123] while offering better multi-monitor support. The IDE shell has been rewritten using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), whereas the internals have been redesigned using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that offers more extensibility points than previous versions of the IDE that enabled add-ins to modify the behavior of the IDE.[124]

The new multi-paradigmML-variant F# forms part of Visual Studio 2010.[125]

Visual Studio 2010 comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing applications targeting Windows 7.[123] It supports IBM DB2 and Oracle databases, in addition to Microsoft SQL Server.[123] It has integrated support for developing Microsoft Silverlight applications, including an interactive designer.[123] Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging parallel applications. The new tools allow the visualization of parallel Tasks and their runtime stacks.[126] Tools for profiling parallel applications can be used for visualization of thread wait-times and thread migrations across processor cores.[127] Intel and Microsoft have jointly pledged support for a new Concurrency Runtime in Visual Studio 2010[128]and Intel has launched parallelism support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio.[129]

The Visual Studio 2010 code editor now highlights references; whenever a symbol is selected, all other usages of the symbol are highlighted.[130] It also offers a Quick Search feature to incrementally search across all symbols in C++, C# and VB.NET projects. Quick Search supports substring matches and camelCase searches.[130] The Call Hierarchy feature allows the developer to see all the methods that are called from a current method as well as the methods that call the current one.[130]IntelliSense in Visual Studio supports a consume-first mode which developers can opt into. In this mode, IntelliSense does not auto-complete identifiers; this allows the developer to use undefined identifiers (like variable or method names) and define those later. Visual Studio 2010 can also help in this by automatically defining them, if it can infer their types from usage.[130] Current versions of Visual Studio have a known bug which makes IntelliSense unusable for projects using pure C (not C++).[131]

Visual Studio 2010 features a new Help System replacing the MSDN Library viewer. The Help System is no longer based on Microsoft Help 2 and does not use Microsoft Document Explorer. Dynamic help containing links to related help topics based on where the developer was in the IDE has been removed in the shipping product,[132] but can be added back using a download from Microsoft.[133]

Visual Studio 2010 no longer supports development for Windows Mobile prior to Windows Phone 7. Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 was released in March 2011.[134]

Ultimate 2010[edit]

Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 replaces Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite.[135] It includes new modeling tools,[136] such as the Architecture Explorer, which graphically displays projects and classes and the relationships between them.[73][137]It supports UML activity diagram, component diagram, (logical) class diagram, sequence diagram, and use case diagram.[137] Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes Test Impact Analysis which provides hints on which test cases are impacted by modifications to the source code, without actually running the test cases.[138] This speeds up testing by avoiding running unnecessary test cases.

Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes a historical debugger for managed code called IntelliTrace. Unlike a traditional debugger that records only the currently active stack, IntelliTrace records all events, such as prior function calls, method parameters, events and exceptions. This allows the code execution to be rewound in case a breakpoint was not set where the error occurred.[139] Debugging with IntelliTrace causes the application to run more slowly than debugging without it, and uses more memory as additional data needs to be recorded. Microsoft allows configuration of how much data should be recorded, in effect, allowing developers to balance the speed of execution and resource usage. The Lab Management component of Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 uses virtualization to create a similar execution environment for testers and developers. The virtual machines are tagged with checkpoints which can later be investigated for issues, as well as to reproduce the issue.[140] Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes the capability to record test runs that capture the specific state of the operating environment as well as the precise steps used to run the test. These steps can then be played back to reproduce issues.[141]


Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 logo

The final build of Visual Studio 2012 was announced on 1 August 2012 and the official launch event was held on 12 September 2012.[142]

Unlike prior versions, Visual Studio 2012 cannot record and play macros and the macro editor has been removed.[143]

New features include support for WinRT and C++/CX (Component Extensions) and C++ AMP (GPGPU programming) Semantic Colorization.[144]

On 16 September 2011, a complete 'Developer Preview' of Visual Studio 11 was published on Microsoft's website. Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview requires Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, or later operating systems.[145] Versions of Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) and C runtime (CRT) included with this release cannot produce software that is compatible with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 except by using native multi-targeting and foregoing the newest libraries, compilers, and headers.[146] However, on 15 June 2012, a blog post on the VC++ Team blog announced that based on customer feedback, Microsoft would re-introduce native support for Windows XP targets (though not for XP as a development platform) in a version of Visual C++ to be released later in the fall of 2012.[147] 'Visual Studio 2012 Update 1' (Visual Studio 2012.1) was released in November 2012. This update added support for Windows XP targets and also added other new tools and features (e.g. improved diagnostics and testing support for Windows Store apps).[148]

On 24 August 2011, a blog post by Sumit Kumar, a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team, listed some of the features of the upcoming version of the Visual Studio C++ IDE:[149]

  • Semantic colorization: Improved syntax coloring, various user-defined or default colors for C++ syntax such as macros, enumerations, typenames and functions.[149]
  • Reference highlighting: Selection of a symbol highlights all of the references to that symbol within scope.[149]
  • New Solution Explorer: The new Solution Explorer allows for visualization of class and file hierarchies within a solution/project. It can search for calls to functions and uses of classes.[149]
  • Automatic display of IntelliSense list: IntelliSense is automatically displayed whilst typing code, as opposed to previous versions where it had to be explicitly invoked through use of certain operators (i.e. the scope operator (::)) or shortcut keys (Ctrl-Space or Ctrl-J).[149]
  • Member list filtering: IntelliSense uses fuzzy logic to determine which functions/variables/types to display in the list.[149]
  • Code snippets: Code snippets are included in IntelliSense to automatically generate relevant code based on the user's parameters, custom code snippets can be created.[149]

The source code of Visual Studio 2012 consists of approximately 50 million lines of code.[150]

Interface backlash[edit]

During Visual Studio 11 beta, Microsoft eliminated the use of color within tools except in cases where color is used for notification or status change purposes. However, the use of color was returned after feedback demanding more contrast, differentiation, clarity and 'energy' in the user interface.[151][152]

In Visual Studio 2012 RC, a major change to the interface is the use of all-caps menu bar, as part of the campaign to keep Visual Studio consistent with the direction of other Microsoft user interfaces, and to provide added structure to the top menu bar area.[153] The redesign was criticized for being hard to read, and going against the trends started by developers to use CamelCase to make words stand out better.[154] Some speculated that the root cause of the redesign was to incorporate the simplistic look and feel of Metro programs.[155] However, there exists a Windows Registry option to allow users to disable the all-caps interface.[156]


The preview for Visual Studio 2013 was announced at the Build 2013 conference and made available on 26 June 2013.[157] The Visual Studio 2013 RC (Release Candidate) was made available to developers on MSDN on 9 September 2013.[158]

The final release of Visual Studio 2013 became available for download on 17 October 2013 along with .NET 4.5.1.[159] Visual Studio 2013 officially launched on 13 November 2013 at a virtual launch event keynoted by S. Somasegar and hosted on[160] 'Visual Studio 2013 Update 1' (Visual Studio 2013.1) was released on 20 January 2014.[161]Visual Studio 2013.1 is a targeted update that addresses some key areas of customer feedback.[162]'Visual Studio 2013 Update 2' (Visual Studio 2013.2) was released on 12 May 2014.[163]Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 was released on 4 August 2014. With this update, Visual Studio provides an option to disable the all-caps menus, which was introduced in VS2012.[164]'Visual Studio 2013 Update 4' (Visual Studio 2013.4) was released on 12 November 2014.[165]'Visual Studio 2013 Update 5' (Visual Studio 2013.5) was released on 20 July 2015.[166]


Initially referred to as Visual Studio '14', the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) was released on 3 June 2014[167] and the Release Candidate was released on 29 April 2015; Visual Studio 2015 was officially announced as the final name on 12 November 2014.[168]

Visual Studio 2015 RTM was released on 20 July 2015.[166] Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 was released on 30 November 2015.[166] Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 was released on 30 March 2016.[166] Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 was released on 27 June 2016.[166]


Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 logo

Initially referred to as Visual Studio '15', it was released on 7 March 2017.[169] The first Preview was released on 30 March 2016.[170] Visual Studio '15' Preview 2 was released 10 May 2016.[171][172] Visual Studio '15' Preview 3 was released on 7 July 2016.[173][174] Visual Studio '15' Preview 4 was released on 22 August 2016.[175][176] Visual Studio '15' Preview 5 was released on 5 October 2016.[177]

As of April 2016, Visual Studio is making the EthereumSolidity language available to developers.[178]

On 14 November 2016, for a brief period of time, Microsoft released a blog post revealing Visual Studio 2017 product name version alongside upcoming features.[64]

On 16 November 2016, 'Visual Studio 2017' was announced as the final name,[179] and Visual Studio 2017 RC was released.[180]

On 7 March 2017, Visual Studio 2017 was released for general availability.[180]

On 14 March 2017, first fix was released for Visual Studio 2017 due to failures during installation or opening solutions in the first release.[180]

On 5 April 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.1 was released and added support for targeting the .NET Framework 4.7.

On 10 May 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.2 was released and added a new workload, 'Data Science and Analytical Applications Workload'. An update to fix the dark color theme was released on 12 May 2017.

On 14 August 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.3 was released and added support for targeting .NET Core 2.0. An update (15.3.1) was released four days later to address a Git vulnerability with submodules (CVE 2017-1000117).

On 10 October 2017, Visual Studio 15.4 was released.[181]

On 4 December 2017, Visual Studio 15.5 was released. This update contained major performance improvements, new features, as well as bug fixes.[182]

On 6 March 2018, Visual Studio 15.6 was released. It includes updates to unit testing and performance.[183]

On 7 May 2018, Visual Studio 15.7 was released. It included updates across the board including, the installer, editor, debugger among others. Almost all point releases, the latest of which is 15.7.6 released 2 August 2018, include security updates. With the release of Visual Studio 2017 15.7, Visual C++ now conforms to the C++17 standard.[40]

On 20 September 2018, Visual Studio 15.8.5 was released. Tools for Xamarin now supports Xcode 10.[184]

Visual Studio 2017 offers new features like support for EditorConfig (a coding style enforcement framework), NGen support, .NET Core and Docker toolset (Preview), and Xamarin 4.3 (Preview).[180] It also has a XAML Editor, improved IntelliSense, live unit testing, debugging enhancement and better IDE experience and productivity.[185]


On 6 June 2018 Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2019 (version 16).[60]

On 4 December 2018 Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 was released.[186] On 24 January 2019 Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 was released.[187] On 13 February 2019 Visual Studio 2019 Preview 3 was released.[188]

On 27 February 2019 Visual Studio 2019 RC was released.[189]

It is generally available (GA) since 2 April 2019 and available for download.[190]

Related products[edit]

Azure DevOps Services[edit]

On 13 November 2013, Microsoft announced the release of a software as a service offering of Visual Studio on Microsoft Azure platform; at the time, Microsoft called it Visual Studio Online. Previously announced as Team Foundation Services, it expands over the on-premises Team Foundation Server by making it available on the Internet and implementing a rolling release model.[191][192] Customers could use Azure portal to subscribe to Visual Studio Online. Subscribers receive a hosted Git-compatible version control system, a load-testing service, a telemetry service and an in-browser code editor codenamed 'Monaco'.[193] During the Connect(); 2015 developer event on 18 November 2015, Microsoft announced that the service was rebranded as 'Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)'.[194] On 10 September 2018, Microsoft announced another rebranding of the service, this time to 'Azure DevOps Services'.[46]

Microsoft offers Stakeholder, Basic, and Visual Studio subscriber access levels for Azure DevOps Services. The Basic plan is free of charge for up to five users. Users with a Visual Studio subscription can be added to a plan with no additional charge.[195]

Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management[edit]

Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a collection of integrated software development tools developed by Microsoft. These tools currently consist of the IDE (Visual Studio 2015 Community and greater editions), server (Team Foundation Server), and cloud services (Visual Studio Team Services).[196] Visual Studio ALM supports team-based development and collaboration, Agile project management, DevOps, source control, packaging, continuous development, automated testing, release management, continuous delivery, and reporting tools for apps and services.[197]

In Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008, the brand was known as Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS). In October 2009, the Team System brand was renamed[136][198] Visual Studio ALM with the Visual Studio 2010 (codenamed 'Rosario') release.[199]

Visual Studio Team Services debuted as Visual Studio Online in 2013 and was renamed in 2015.[200]

Visual Studio Lab Management[edit]

Visual Studio Lab Management is a software development tool developed by Microsoft for software testers to create and manage virtual environments. Lab Management extends the existing Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management platform to enable an integrated Hyper-V based test lab. Since Visual Studio 2012, it is already shipped as a part of it; and, can be set up after Team Foundation Server and SCVMM are integrated.[201]

Visual Studio LightSwitch[edit]

Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch is an extension and framework specifically tailored for creating line-of-business applications built on existing .NET technologies and Microsoft platforms. The applications produced are architecturally 3-tier: the user interface runs on either Microsoft Silverlight or HTML 5 client,[202] or as a SharePoint 2013 app;[203] the logic and. Retrieved 20 August 2019.

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  • ^'Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.4 Released'. The Visual Studio Blog. 10 October 2017.
  • ^'Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.5, Visual Studio for Mac Released'. The Visual Studio Blog. 4 December 2017.
  • ^'Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6, Visual Studio for Mac version 7.4 Released'. The Visual Studio Blog. 6 March 2018.
  • ^'Visual Studio 2017 15.8 Release Notes'.
  • ^'Visual Studio 2017 – New features and updates'. iFour. Retrieved 26 December 2016.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  • ^Blog, Visual Studio. 'Making every developer more productive with Visual Studio 2019'. Retrieved 5 December 2018.
  • ^Blog, Visual Studio. 'Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 is now available'. Retrieved 26 January 2019.
  • ^'Visual Studio 2019 Preview Release Notes'. Retrieved 14 February 2019.
  • ^'Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate (RC) now available'. Retrieved 18 April 2019.
  • ^Montgomery, John. 'Visual Studio 2019: Code faster. Work smarter. Create the future'. The Visual Studio Blog. Retrieved 3 April 2019.
  • ^Blankenship, Ed (January 2014). 'Introducing Visual Studio Online'. MSDN Magazine. Microsoft.
  • ^'Features Timeline'. Microsoft.
  • ^Yegulalp, Serdar (14 November 2013). 'Microsoft reinvents Visual Studio as an Azure cloud service'. InfoWorld. IDG.
  • ^Harry, Brian (18 November 2015). 'News from Connect(); 2015'. Brian Harry's blog. Microsoft.
  • ^'Visual Studio Online Pricing Details'. Microsoft Azure. Microsoft. Retrieved 29 November 2014.
  • ^Bright, Peter (12 November 2013). 'Microsoft takes development into the cloud with Visual Studio Online'. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. Retrieved 7 March 2016.
  • ^'DevOps and Application Lifecycle Management'. MSDN. Microsoft. Retrieved 3 March 2016.
  • Visual Studio Community Mac Console App

  • ^'Visual Studio Team System Rosario'. Retrieved 5 April 2008.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  • ^van Haaften, Octavie (25 November 2009). 'Visual Studio 2010 Team System session'. SharePoint: Working on it…. Retrieved 8 December 2011.
  • ^Harry, Brian (18 November 2015). 'News from Connect(); 2015'. Brian Harry's blog. Microsoft. Retrieved 3 March 2016.
  • ^Hinshelwood, Martin (20 June 2012). 'Installing TFS 2012 with Lab Management 2012'. Martin Hinshelwood - naked Agility Ltd.
  • ^'LightSwitch HTML Client'. MSDN. Microsoft. Retrieved 15 June 2013.
  • ^Massi, Beth (17 January 2013). 'Get Started Building SharePoint Apps in Minutes with LightSwitch'. Beth Massi's blog. Microsoft.
  • ^Rivard, John (22 March 2012). 'LightSwitch Architecture: OData (John Rivard)'. Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog. Microsoft.
  • ^'LightSwitch Update'. Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog. Microsoft. 14 October 2016.
  • ^'How to: Deploy a LightSwitch OData Service'. MSDN. Microsoft. Retrieved 15 June 2013.
  • ^'Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 is Launching 26 July 26'. Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog. Microsoft. 5 July 2011.
  • ^Massi, Beth. 'Rapid Business Application Development with Visual Studio LightSwitch'. Beth Massi's blog. Microsoft. Retrieved 4 August 2010.
  • ^'LightSwitch Update'. Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog. Microsoft. Retrieved 31 May 2017.
  • ^Lardinois, Frederic (29 April 2015). 'Microsoft Launches Visual Studio Code, A Free Cross-Platform Code Editor For OS X, Linux And Windows'. TechCrunch.
  • ^'Visual Studio Code. Contribute to microsoft/vscode development by creating an account on GitHub'. 22 July 2019 – via GitHub.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  • ^Bright, Peter (14 April 2016). 'Visual Studio Code editor hits version 1, has half a million users'.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  • ^'Beginners Guide to Performance Profiling'. MSDN. Microsoft. Retrieved 27 December 2016.
  • ^'Performance Profiling in Visual Studio : VSTS Profiler'. iFour Technolab. 26 December 2016.
  • External links[edit]

    Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Visual Studio
    • Official website

    Recording Studio App For Mac

    1. Turn your iPad into a portable recording studio Best Studio Recording Apps for iPad There is no shortage of apps available to musicians who are looking to record their next big hit.
    2. Recording Studio is a multi-touch sequencer for Android devices*. Designed for quick and simple operation, Recording Studio makes recording, editing and mixing a breeze. Recording Studio is the perfect way to create great sounding music productions.
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    Record, edit, and produce your audio with Sound Studio, an easy-to-use Mac app for recording and editing digital audio on your computer. Digitize tapes and vinyl records, record live performances.

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    A massive collection of effects and instruments.

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    Learn more about plug-ins and sounds

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    The power of Patches.

    The Sound Library includes a massive selection of Patches, which allow you to quickly load complex multichannel sounds. And Smart Controls simplify the process of tweaking and editing to get the right sound.

    Jump-start your sound with loops.

    Build songs quickly by choosing from over 7000 included royalty-free Apple Loops that are tagged with keywords and automatically conform to the tempo and key of your project. You can even use untagged loops from other sources and they will automatically play at your project tempo.

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    Flex Time.
    Spend less time on timing.

    Quickly manipulate the timing and tempo of your recording with Flex Time. Easily move the individual beats within a waveform to correct drum, vocal, guitar, or any other kind of track without slicing and moving regions.

    Flex Pitch.
    Perfect the pitch.

    Edit the level and pitch of individual notes quickly and easily with Flex Pitch. Roll over any note and all parameters are available for tweaking.

    Take hold of your music.

    Logic Remote wirelessly connects your iOS device to your Mac and adds the power of Multi-Touch control to your performances and mixes. Play any software instrument in Logic Pro X from your iPad or iPhone and easily shape your sound as you go. Run your session from wherever you’re most comfortable — whether that’s next to your computer or across the room.

    Multi-Touch mixing.

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    Logic Pro X goes beyond the average sequencer with an advanced set of options that let you record, edit, and manipulate MIDI performances. Transform a loose performance into one that locks tight into the groove using region-based parameters for note velocity, timing, and dynamics. Or tighten up your MIDI performances while preserving musical details like flams or chord rolls with Smart Quantize.

    Industry-leading tools.

    As your song develops, Logic Pro X helps organize all your ideas and select the best ones. Group related tracks, audition alternate versions, and consolidate multiple tracks. Lightning-fast click-and-drag comping helps you build your best performance from multiple takes.

    Track Alternatives

    Create alternate versions of a track or multiple grouped tracks, and switch between them at any time to audition different options. Create, store, and select from different edits and arrangements of track regions to make it easier to experiment with various creative ideas.

    Takes and Quick Swipe Comping

    Click and drag to choose the best sections of each take to create a seamless comp, complete with transition-smoothing crossfades. Save multiple comps and switch among them to pick the one you like best.

    Track Stacks

    Consolidate multiple related tracks into a single track. Use a Summing Stack as a quick way to create submixes. Or create layered and split instruments.

    Project Alternatives

    Create as many alternate versions of a project as you’d like, each with its own name and settings but sharing the same assets — efficiently saving storage space. Load any version to make changes without compromising your original.

    Track Groups and VCA Faders

    Manage large mixes with Track Groups and VCA faders. Assign any selection of channels to a track group, then control the levels or other parameters of all tracks in the group from any single channel in the group.


    Easily capture changes to any channel strip or plug-in parameter. Just enable automation, press Play, and make your changes.

    Even more pro features in the mix.

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    Five amazing apps. One powerful collection.

    Recording Studio Software For Mac Free Download

    Testing 10 voice recording applications was both educational and informative. We pushed each one to its limit testing its organizational, audio capturing and audio editing abilities, extensive file conversion and compression functionality, and even file importing and exporting abilities.

    WavePad is an easy-to-use audio recording application that’s feature-rich and powerful. Although it lacks unlimited technical support, it can handle any project and create professional-quality audio recordings.

    We ran multiple tests using a USB microphone, a computer’s built-in microphone, CDs, DVDs, streaming audio and other input sources to test standard audio capture, scheduled capture and voice-activated capture.

    This showed us which programs could recognize and capture a quality audio recording. We worked with several built-in filters and special effects to determine the extent of each application’s editing abilities, as well as how efficiently it could edit.

    We also compared each program’s features and functionality with its price to determine its overall value for any user.

    Our overall winner is WavePad. It has a clean and highly intuitive interface that’s approachable for users of any experience level.

    It works with and wide variety of file formats, filters and special effects so you can polish your audio tracks.

    Best Overall


    WavePad is an easy-to-use audio recording application that’s feature-rich and powerful. Although it lacks unlimited technical support, it can handle any project and create professional-quality audio recordings.

    Best Value


    Audacity is free audio recording software aimed at those focusing more on recording and editing voice audio clips rather than recording or building multi-track beats made from samples and loops.

    Best DAW Crossover

    Mixcraft 8

    Mixcraft 8 is easy-to-use audio recording software with superb functionality and extensive control over filters and special effects editing. You can record multiple tracks and even convert or compress files.

    ProductPriceOverall RatingPriceInterfaceFilter/EffectCompatibilityHelp & SupportPriceEase of Use ScoreRecording TimerVoice-Activated RecordingDigital & Analog RipBurn OptionConfigurable InterfaceFile CompressionChange File FormatEqualizeReverberationFade In/OutPop and Click RemovalNoise ReductionEdit SilenceMono to StereoMP3WAVFLACAACDirect SupportOnline ResourcesUser Forum
    WavePadView Deal5/5$39.9510101010$39.95A+Chat, Email, Phone
    Audacity 2.2.2View Deal5/5$0.001010105$0.00A--
    RecordPad HomeView Deal4.5/5$29.958.5108.59$29.95B--Email, Phone
    GoldWaveView Deal4/5$45.007.510108$45.00A-Email
    Blaze Media ProView Deal4/5$$50.00A---Email-
    Mixcraft 8View Deal4/5$$179.00A-----Email
    i-Sound Recorder 7View Deal4/5$29.957.32.88.510$29.95B--------Chat, Phone, Email
    RipEditBurn 2.3.42View Deal3.5/5$39.954.$39.95B+-------Email
    AV Music Morpher GoldView Deal3.5/5$99.954.87.38.58$99.95C--------Email-
    Audio Recorder Platinum 4.5View Deal3/5$31.455.$31.45D---------Email-

    Best Overall

    Reasons to Buy
    It has over 20 filters and audio effects, the best among programs we tested.
    It’s compatible with all common file formats.
    Reasons to Avoid
    Technical support is only available via pricey tiered packages.
    There aren’t as many fade options as other programs.
    Master's Edition Quarterly Plan
    Standard Edition
    Master's Edition

    WavePad is intuitive and powerful voice recording software that’s simple enough for a novice to use. It is compatible with a multitude of audio file formats and gives you the option to convert files to an equally large array of audio formats. The program can mix and split audio files, edit silences, reduce or eliminate background noise, integrate filters and special effects, and even convert a mono audio file into stereo.

    The program’s layout is clean and intuitive, and meant to encourage a smooth workflow. It does an impressive job of balancing all of its features without hurting its usability. Toolbars within change as you click on different tabs, keeping features and functions organized. It lets you customize the toolbar to include or remove any tool and configure many other features to create an optimal workspace.
    WavePad comes with tons of effects and filters, which can be applied manually or set automatically. Whether you want to add distortion, reverb or a delay to your latest song, or you need to amplify, reverse, fade out or otherwise tweak and equalize your tracks, WavePad makes it easy to do that. And if you need to convert a file to a different format that’s compatible with your gear, such as to MP3, you can quickly do so.

    Best Value

    Reasons to Buy
    It works on any operating system.
    Reasons to Avoid
    There is no dedicated support option besides a community forum.
    There are no beat-making tools.

    Despite being open-sourced and free, Audacity has held its own for years amongst other pricy options within the audio recording software industry. Its availability for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux has the more OS compatibility than any of the paid options. Its clean interface is approachable even for the most novice of users. Beware, however, that Audacity’s bare-bones design is geared more for users wanting to create vocal audio for a podcast, rather than multi-track music created from samplers, loops and MIDI instruments. Overall, though, Audacity is an immense value, especially for anyone wanting to try out a program like this before dropping serious cash.

    Don’t be fooled by Audacity’s simplistic interface; within a few minutes of tinkering, you can easily find a battery of features and controls. The program makes it easy to connect and set up external equipment, record, edit and mix tracks, and polish your work before exporting it. You have access to tools for adjusting things like treble and bass, and even frequency analysis. The largest downside of the program, however, is that it makes use of destructive editing, which means that any changes you make on your track alter its actual waveform – the original file – and you can’t undo them later.
    Should you have a question regarding the software, Audacity has tons of informational resources on its website including tutorials, manuals and a community user forum. However, unlike the other programs we reviewed, there is no direct customer service.

    Best DAW Crossover

    Reasons to Buy
    It has advanced abilities like pitch correction and plug-in support.
    It includes over 7,800 loops, samples and sound effects.
    The software has an integrated recording timer for defined sessions.
    Reasons to Avoid
    Customer service is only available via email.

    Although Mixcraft 8 is easy enough for people of any experience level to use, the recording application looks and works like a digital audio workstation and has an intimidating-looking interface. However, after tinkering for a few minutes, anyone can see that the software is powerful and full of features to help you not only record your audio but edit, enhance and burn it as well. And while it is the priciest program we tested, it’s also the most versatile and a great option for those focusing on audio engineering and music recording.

    Mixcraft is stocked with an arsenal of over 7,800 loops, special effects, filters, digital instruments and samplers. It also boasts unlimited submix nesting, allowing you to tweak each track perfectly. All of the standard effects and editing functions are available to you, including an equalizer as well as fade and reverb options. It can reduce or eliminate unwanted background noise, remove pops and clicks, and edit silences in your tracks. There is no option for converting a mono audio file to stereo. You can set a recording timer; however, the biggest downside to this particular program is that it doesn’t have a voice-activated recording option. There’s also no ripping or burning option.

    Most Recording Options

    Reasons to Buy
    It has more recording, burning and ripping options than any other application in our comparison.
    Reasons to Avoid
    RecordPad Audio Recorder Home License
    RecordPad Audio Recorder Professional

    Though RecordPad is technically part of a larger range of digital audio applications from NCH Software, it runs as a standalone recording tool capable of supporting audio feeds from multiple channels.

    You can use the other programs to complement and enhance RecordPad’s abilities, however. The software supports audio input from all sources using default application settings and the “loop cable” method, and it allows you to capture audio from internet streaming sources, a line-in device or computer playback.
    With this recording software, you can record, rip or burn audio, and schedule future recordings, though you may need to enable a plugin for editing, conversion and burning functions. If you want to edit or add effects to your audio, you’ll have access to noise reduction, reverb, pop and click removal, equalizing and fade among other abilities. However, keep in mind that the program’s weak point is its limited file format compatibility. It’s only compatible with WAV, MP3 and FLAC, unlike other programs that include several others.

    Most Support Options

    Reasons to Buy
    There are ample technical support resources for education and troubleshooting.
    Reasons to Avoid
    It doesn’t include timer or voice-activated recording features.
    AV Music Morpher Gold - 5.0

    AV Music Morpher Gold is straightforward voice recording software that leaves out the frills.

    It’s also backed by more technical support and informational resources than any other application in our comparison. It has enough tools to help you record and edit audio as well as convert file formats and burn audio as needed. The software is decently easy to use and leaves out super advanced features, making it great for the average user. Despite slightly missing the mark with a few editing effects and recording tools, it is a powerful option nonetheless.
    The program supports audio input sources from all standard audio feed and input sources, such as line-in devices, microphones, internet streaming, video playback and audio playback. To record audio, you’ll have to manually initiate the process, as there are no voice-activation or timer options. If you’re wanting to rip audio rather than record it, the software has a tool for doing so, and you can save to WMA, MP3, WAV, OGG and FLAC formats among others. You can also easily apply a variety of filters to your audio, including amplify, notch filter, mix and normalize, then alter the pitch, timbre, speed and other settings.

    Why Trust Us

    Recording Studio App For Computer Free

    We have been reviewing voice recording software for over eight years, and our most recent series of in-house tests took over 15 hours. Each program was carefully assessed and thoroughly tested by multiple qualified experts who record audio by trade (and sometimes just for fun). We set up multiple testing scenarios involving microphones, CDs, DVDs, flash drives and other audio input sources to simulate how the software would typically be used.


    In addition, our test assistants evaluated each program’s ease of use and effectiveness. They told us who they thought would enjoy the software most – beginners or experienced users. Our assistants also discussed their opinions on each application’s customizability options and tools for both editing and exporting audio. All of this factored into our final scoring of each of these 10 products.

    How Much Does Voice Recording Software Cost?

    Voice recording software that you can use at home is largely free, thanks to popular and powerful programs like Audacity. However, there are also paid options that run from $30 up to $200, though at the higher end, the software becomes more of a DAW.

    Why Voice Recording Software?

    How many times have you regretted not recording an important phone conversation, business meeting or class lecture? Or perhaps you missed the opportunity to digitize your cherished cassettes and vinyl collection before time and use took their toll on them. Luckily, audio recording software presents us with a way to capture and preserve audio digitally.

    Good voice recording software, with ample features and tools, is a prerequisite to a quality digital reproduction. The quality of your audio recordings, especially voice, has to be maintained through its various stages of recording, mixing, editing and burning. Otherwise, the end product could be compromised and, in extreme cases, rendered inaudible or unusable. This seemingly ominous task is made easy with modern recording software. Any person, with a little practice, can master this user-friendly software.

    Key Features to Look for in Voice Recording Software

    Most of the voice recording programs in our comparison come bundled with all the required tools and features needed to perform several tasks, including audio input, editing and output. There are a number of aspects you should consider while evaluating your voice recording options. Below are the features and criteria we looked at to compare the best voice recording software:

    Audio Feed/Input Source for Capture
    Recording is traditionally done using a microphone and line-in jacks located on the audio interface panel of the computer system. But more advanced software also supports audio pick-up from media playback; CD, VCD, DVD, USB devices; internet streaming; phone recording or any audio playback by sound card. Essentially, you can record any audio being played by or through the computer. The best recording applications understand this and already have the ability to work with you if you need to work with other input sources. Consider your current input methods – and any you plan to use in the future – before choosing an application.

    Record/Rip/Burn Features
    A few additional features are essential to the recording and sharing process. For example, recording timers and schedulers let you define the time frame of a particular session, ensuring that your recordings start and end exactly when you need. Similarly, voice-activated recording automates the start of a recording session whenever a predefined level of audio signal (decibels) is registered by the software. All of these can make it a little easier to record things like a podcast or a college lecture without wasting space on your computer’s hard drive.

    A program with both digital and analog ripping offers the most versatility for a variety of needs. Digital ripping is useful when recording digital media, and you need analog ripping with copy-protected digital media that cannot be ripped conventionally. Both are handy methods to digitize your aging CD or DVD collection, for example. Burn tools are used for saving files to optical media for storage and playback.

    Filters, Effects and Editing
    Most of the time, simply recording the audio isn’t enough; you may want to enhance the recording or edit the files before releasing your finalized product. You might need to edit a silence, add a filter or special effect, or manage background noise. Most programs can handle standard editing needs, but the best applications can handle whatever you throw at them.

    Many programs let you trim or insert a silence in an audio track or file, which typically smooths out the flow of a recording or makes it easier to add music or other effects later. Special effects like Sound Warmer, Bass Boost or Echo can also be applied to further enhance or achieve a particular audio effect. Whether you’re using filters and effects to enhance clarity or for fun voice morphing, a good set of filters is an essential component of voice recording software. Some programs – typically those with a DAW interface – offer far more effects and editing options, as they are closer to the software that studio audio engineers use.

    A program with a noise reduction function can mostly or completely eliminate background noise interfering with your actual recording, such as your air conditioner, refrigerator or a vacuum. Any program worth its weight will also have a pop and click removal option for handling additional unwanted noise. Although a frequent problem, pops and clicks can come from a variety of sources and often be fussy to track down and resolve. So, having a program that automatically monitors and limits that is essential, especially if you don’t have the extra dough to purchase things like a pop filter or a more powerful CPU for your computer.

    Options to change a file format and size are also useful and are often used to output files in the desired audio quality, typically to MP3. An integrated ID3 tag editor is also useful to label files appropriately for better organization for archiving and future searches.

    Supported Formats
    If the software can’t manage or play all of your audio files, what good is it? While most voice recording suites are compatible with only a few of the most common audio file types – MP3, WAV, WMA – others go the extra mile and support additional file types, like FLAC and AAC, as well as file compression and converting. Top programs are not only compatible with a wide variety of file formats but are also adept at importing and exporting files.

    Ease of Use
    Recording your voice – or any audio, for that matter – on your computer can be difficult when you factor in things like choosing and setting up hardware or searching for the right software application to use. However, it doesn’t have to be, and choosing the best voice recording program can make things much easier. From installation to implementation to actual use, the entire process of voice recording should be straightforward and simple.

    Help & Support
    A good help and support system is essential for a speedy and trouble-free learning experience, and further instilling confidence in the user. Help files, manuals, FAQs and tutorials address day to day issues, whereas phone support, email, live chat and forums are best for solving specific issues. The best developers host a full array of informational resources on their website and provide multiple ways to contact their technical support teams directly.

    Professional Studio Recording Software For Mac

    Voice Recording Software vs. DAW

    You may have heard the terms “voice recording software” and “DAW” used interchangeably, but it’s important to know their similarities as well as how they differ. By learning more about these types of software, you can be better informed to make the best choice for your needs.

    Voice recording software is the simpler of the two. You can record audio manually or set the program to run on a schedule or be triggered by sound over a certain decibel level. Afterward, you can edit the audio with special effects. In addition, this type of program has tools you can use to trim files, eliminate unwanted background noise and export. Voice recording software works on a laptop or desktop computer, and some programs even have compatible mobile apps you can use while you’re on the road. This is also the cheaper of the two types of software, making it a great choice for those on a budget as well as anyone not using it for professional audio production.

    Audio Recording App For Pc

    A digital audio workstation (DAW) is a more heavy-duty version of voice recording software. This kind of software can handle more inputs and tracks, has wider file format compatibility, and generally produces higher quality audio files. Because DAWs are more powerful, they cost more and are predominantly made for audio professionals. As such, they have steep learning curves. However, once you get a handle on how to use the software, and especially if you can afford quality recording hardware in addition to it, you can churn out beautiful, complex audio tracks worthy of a Grammy.

    Recording Studio Software For Macbook Air

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    6. Visual Studio For Mac Os X

    Visual Studio is a new member of the Visual Studio family, enabling developers on macOS to build apps for mobile, Web, and cloud with Xamarin and.NET Core, as well as games with Unity. Use Visual Studio to develop apps for Android, macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, Web, and cloud. Visual Studio, MSBuild, NuGet.exe, and.NET now support a new Credential Provider plugin interface, which can be implemented by private package hosts like Azure Artifacts. Previously, only NuGet.exe and Visual Studio accepted Credential Providers. Simplify desktop and application virtualization Run Windows desktops and applications anywhere, scale quickly to meet changing business needs, and safeguard your sensitive corporate resources with a desktop and application virtualization solution. Use Windows side by side with macOS ® (no restarting required) on your MacBook ®, MacBook Pro ®, iMac ®, iMac Pro ®, Mac mini ®, or Mac Pro ®.Share files and folders, copy and paste images and text and drag and drop files between Mac and Windows applications.

    Python is a popular programming language that is reliable, flexible, easy to learn, free to use on all operating systems, and supported by both a strong developer community and many free libraries. Python supports all manners of development, including web applications, web services, desktop apps, scripting, and scientific computing, and is used by many universities, scientists, casual developers, and professional developers alike. You can learn more about the language on and Python for Beginners.

    Visual Studio is a powerful Python IDE on Windows. Visual Studio provides open-source support for the Python language through the Python Development and Data Science workloads (Visual Studio 2017 and later) and the free Python Tools for Visual Studio extension (Visual Studio 2015 and earlier).

    Python is not presently supported in Visual Studio for Mac, but is available on Mac and Linux through Visual Studio Code (see questions and answers).

    To get started:

    • Follow the installation instructions to set up the Python workload.
    • Familiarize yourself with the Python capabilities of Visual Studio through the sections in this article.
    • Go through one or more of the Quickstarts to create a project. If you're unsure, start with Create a web app with Flask.
    • Go through one or more of the Quickstarts to create a project. If you're unsure, start with Quickstart: Open and run Python code in a folder or Create a web app with Flask.
    • Follow the Work with Python in Visual Studio tutorial for a full end-to-end experience.


    Visual Studio supports Python version 2.7, as well as version 3.5 and greater. While it is possible to use Visual Studio to edit code written in other versions of Python, those versions are not officially supported and features such as IntelliSense and debugging might not work.

    Support for multiple interpreters

    Visual Studio's Python Environments window (shown below in a wide, expanded view) gives you a single place to manage all of your global Python environments, conda environments, and virtual environments. Visual Studio automatically detects installations of Python in standard locations, and allows you to configure custom installations. With each environment, you can easily manage packages, open an interactive window for that environment, and access environment folders.

    Use the Open interactive window command to run Python interactively within the context of Visual Studio. Use the Open in PowerShell command to open a separate command window in the folder of the selected environment. From that command window you can run any python script.

    For more information:

    Rich editing, IntelliSense, and code comprehension

    Visual Studio provides a first-class Python editor, including syntax coloring, auto-complete across all your code and libraries, code formatting, signature help, refactoring, linting, and type hints. Visual Studio also provides unique features like class view, Go to Definition, Find All References, and code snippets. Direct integration with the Interactive window helps you quickly develop Python code that's already saved in a file.

    For more information:

    • Docs: Edit Python code
    • Docs: Format code
    • Docs: Refactor code
    • Docs: Use a linter
    • General Visual Studio feature docs: Features of the code editor

    Interactive window

    For every Python environment known to Visual Studio, you can easily open the same interactive (REPL) environment for a Python interpreter directly within Visual Studio, rather than using a separate command prompt. You can easily switch between environments as well. (To open a separate command prompt, select your desired environment in the Python Environments window, then select the Open in PowerShell command as explained earlier under Support for multiple interpreters.)

    Visual Studio also provides tight integration between the Python code editor and the Interactive window. The Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut conveniently sends the current line of code (or code block) in the editor to the Interactive window, then moves to the next line (or block). Ctrl+Enter lets you easily step through code without having to run the debugger. You can also send selected code to the Interactive window with the same keystroke, and easily paste code from the Interactive window into the editor. Together, these capabilities allow you to work out details for a segment of code in the Interactive window and easily save the results in a file in the editor.

    Visual Studio also supports IPython/Jupyter in the REPL, including inline plots, .NET, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

    For more information:

    Project system, and project and item templates


    Visual Studio 2019 supports opening a folder containing Python code and running that code without creating Visual Studio project and solution files. For more information, see Quickstart: Open and run Python code in a folder. There are, however, benefits to using a project file, as explained in this section.

    Visual Studio helps you manage the complexity of a project as it grows over time. A Visual Studio project is much more than a folder structure: it includes an understanding of how different files are used and how they relate to each other. Visual Studio helps you distinguish app code, test code, web pages, JavaScript, build scripts, and so on, which then enable file-appropriate features. A Visual Studio solution, moreover, helps you manage multiple related projects, such as a Python project and a C++ extension project.

    Project and item templates automate the process of setting up different types of projects and files, saving you valuable time and relieving you from managing intricate and error-prone details. Visual Studio provides templates for web, Azure, data science, console, and other types of projects, along with templates for files like Python classes, unit tests, Azure web configuration, HTML, and even Django apps.

    For more information:

    • Docs: Manage Python projects
    • Docs: Item templates reference
    • Docs: Python project templates
    • Docs: Work with C++ and Python
    • General Visual Studio feature docs: Project and item templates
    • General Visual Studio feature docs: Solutions and projects in Visual Studio

    Full-featured debugging

    One of Visual Studio's strengths is its powerful debugger. For Python in particular, Visual Studio includes Python/C++ mixed-mode debugging, remote debugging on Linux, debugging within the Interactive window, and debugging Python unit tests.

    In Visual Studio 2019, you can run and debug code without having a Visual Studio project file. See Quickstart: Open and run Python code in a folder for an example.

    For more information:

    • Docs: Debug Python
    • Docs: Python/C++ mixed-mode debugging
    • Docs: Remote debugging on Linux
    • General Visual Studio feature docs: Feature tour of the Visual Studio Debugger

    Profiling tools with comprehensive reporting

    Profiling explores how time is being spent within your application. Visual Studio supports profiling with CPython-based interpreters and includes the ability to compare performance between different profiling runs.

    For more information:

    • Docs: Python profiling tools
    • General Visual Studio feature docs: Profiling Feature Tour. (Not all Visual Studio profiling features are available for Python).

    Unit testing tools

    Discover, run, and manage tests in Visual Studio Test Explorer, and easily debug unit tests.

    For more information:

    • Docs: Unit testing tools for Python
    • General Visual Studio feature docs: Unit test your code.

    Azure SDK for Python

    The Azure libraries for Python simplify consuming Azure services from Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux apps. You can use them to create and manage Azure resources, as well as to connect to Azure services.

    For more information, see Azure SDK for Python and Azure libraries for Python.

    Questions and answers

    Q. Is Python support available with Visual Studio for Mac?

    A. Not at this time, but you can up vote the request on Developer Community. The Visual Studio for Mac documentation identifies the current types of development that it does support. In the meantime, Visual Studio Code on Windows, Mac, and Linux works well with Python through available extensions.

    Visual Studio For Mac Download

    Q. What can I use to build UI with Python?

    A. The main offering in this area is the Qt Project, with bindings for Python known as PySide (the official binding) (also see PySide downloads) and PyQt. At present, Python support in Visual Studio does not include any specific tools for UI development.

    Q. Can a Python project produce a stand-alone executable?

    A. Python is generally an interpreted language, with which code is run on demand in a suitable Python-capable environment such as Visual Studio and web servers. Visual Studio itself does not at present provide the means to create a stand-alone executable, which essentially means a program with an embedded Python interpreter. However, the Python community supplied different means to create executables as described on StackOverflow. CPython also supports being embedded within a native application, as described on the blog post, Using CPython's embeddable zip file.

    Feature support

    Python features can be installed in the following editions of Visual Studio as described in the installation guide:

    • Visual Studio 2017 (all editions)
    • Visual Studio 2015 (all editions)
    • Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition
    • Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web, Update 2 or higher
    • Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop, Update 2 or higher
    • Visual Studio 2013 (Pro edition or higher)
    • Visual Studio 2012 (Pro edition or higher)
    • Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (Pro edition or higher; .NET 4.5 required)

    Visual Studio 2015 and earlier are available at


    Features are fully supported and maintained for only the latest version of Visual Studio. Features are available in older versions but are not actively maintained.

    Python support2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Manage multiple interpreters
    Auto-detect popular interpreters
    Add custom interpreters
    Virtual Environments
    Pip/Easy Install

    Project system2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    New project from existing code
    Show all files
    Source control
    Git integration1

    Editing2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Syntax highlighting
    Signature help
    Quick info
    Object browser/class view
    Navigation bar
    Go to Definition
    Navigate to
    Find All References
    Auto indentation
    Code formatting
    Refactor - rename
    Refactor - extract method
    Refactor - add/remove import

    Interactive window2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Interactive window
    IPython with inline graphs

    Desktop2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Console/Windows application
    IronPython WPF (with XAML designer)
    IronPython Windows Forms

    Web2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Django web project
    Bottle web project
    Flask web project
    Generic web project

    Azure2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Deploy to web site2
    Deploy to web role443
    Deploy to worker role???443
    Run in Azure emulator???443
    Remote debugging688
    Attach Server Explorer77

    Django templates2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Auto-complete for CSS and JavaScript55

    Debugging2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Debugging without a project
    Debugging - attach to editing
    Mixed-mode debugging
    Remote debugging (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
    Debug Interactive window

    Profiling2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+

    Test2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+
    Test explorer
    Run test
    Debug test

    1. Git support for Visual Studio 2012 is available in the Visual Studio Tools for Git extension, available on the Visual Studio Marketplace.

    2. Deployment to Azure Web Site requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.1 - Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Later versions don't support Visual Studio 2010.

    3. Support for Azure Web Role and Worker Role requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - VS 2012 or later.

    4. Support for Azure Web Role and Worker Role requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - VS 2013 or later.

    5. Django template editor in Visual Studio 2013 has some known issues that are resolved by installing Update 2.

    6. Requires Windows 8 or later. Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web doesn't have the Attach to Process dialog, but Azure Web Site remote debugging is still possible using the Attach Debugger (Python) command in Server Explorer. Remote debugging requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - Visual Studio 2013 or later.

    7. Requires Windows 8 or later. Attach Debugger (Python) command in Server Explorer requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - Visual Studio 2013 or later.

    8. Requires Windows 8 or later.

    Microsoft Build has always been a time when we deliver a wealth of developer-focused announcements. It’s an opportunity to share our vision for developer experiences across mobile, AR/VR, cloud, web, desktop, IoT and AI. This year, I’m excited to have brought this vision to life with more than a few exciting announcements:

    For an overview of announcements across the company, check out Scott Guthrie’s blog post; but for a round-up of Visual Studio and .NET headlines, read on.

    .NET Core 2.1 RC

    As of today, .NET Core 2.1 Release Candidate (RC) is available with a “Go-Live” license to use in production. .NET Core 2.1 improves on previous releases with hard-won performance gains and many new features:

    • ASP.NET Core SignalR. Developers have been using SignalR to build real-time web communication solutions since 2013 on the .NET Framework. The stack has been streamlined and improved to run on the cross-platform and higher performance .NET Core runtime. We also released SignalR as an Azure service.
    • ASP.NET Core web platform enhancements including support for Razor UI in class libraries, improvements in building WebAPIs, security enhancements, a new Identity UI library and HttpClientFactory.
    • Entity Framework Core 2.1 introduces significant capabilities like lazy loading, data seeding, value conversions, query types, and GroupBy translation.
    • .NET Core 2.1 significantly improves build & runtime performance. It also introduces a new deployment and extensibility model for global tools.
    • ASP.NET Core 2.1 is more than 15% faster than version 2.0. This means that when ASP.NET Core is released, it will top the TechEmpower benchmarks as the fastest mainstream web framework on the planet.

    Of course, .NET Core remains free, cross-platform, and open source – just as it has been since 2014.

    Learn more about .NET Core 2.1 RC.

    Future of Windows Desktop Development

    While we’re excited to release .NET Core 2.1 RC, we’re not stopping there. Today, we introduced the roadmap for .NET Core 3, which brings desktop development to our open source .NET stack. We are adding Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms on top of .NET Core. As always, developers building Universal Windows Platform apps will also continue to benefit from all the .NET Core improvements.

    .NET Core 3.0 will enable Windows desktop apps use a globally installed .NET, or an app local copy, or build a single .EXE which includes .NET. Thus, .NET apps will no longer be impacted by system-wide updates. More importantly, this will allow us to make improvements to WPF and Windows Forms that we previously could not have done with .NET Framework without risking compatibility to existing apps

    With .NET Core 3.0, developers will have the ability to share and easily integrate UI controls across all the major Windows desktop frameworks. You’ll be able to incorporate whatever UI controls make the most sense for your scenario, or even take a phased migration approach to modernizing your app’s UI. Developers will be able to seamlessly integrate almost all the Windows 10 API surface area into their .NET apps such as Cortana, Windows Hello, Windows ML, Rome, and more. And developers will be able to take advantage of the performance improvements and new API’s in .NET Core.


    Developers targeting .NET Framework 4.8, the next version of .NET Framework, will also benefit from the improvements we plan to make such as the new Edge-based WebView control that they can host inside their apps, with more controls planned. And support for XAML Islands bringing UWP UI into existing applications.

    This roadmap represents a significant investment in Windows desktop development by empowering developers to adopt the latest innovations in Windows 10 and .NET Core in their WPF and Windows Forms apps.

    Visual Studio 2017, version 15.7

    Our flagship IDE, Visual Studio, received a significant upgrade today with the announcement of Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7. John Montgomery’s blog post has a full run-down of all the new capabilities, but some of the more significant headlines include:

    • Cloud development: You’ll find several improvements to the project scaffolding and unit testing. Additionally, you can publish Helm charts directly to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). You can now also directly publish .NET applications to Kubernetes containers. For your ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core applications, you can configure the Key Vault connected service directly from the IDE.
    • Debugging: IntelliTrace’s new step-back debugging, first shipped in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5, is now available for .NET Core applications. The feature automatically takes a snapshot of your application on each breakpoint and debugger step so you can step “back in time” to view previous application states.
    • MSVC C++ 17 conformance: Today, we are happy to announce we have reached full C++ 17 conformance in MSVC with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7. We also added ClangFormat support for C++ developers in the IDE. Developers can use ClangFormat to automatically style and format your code as you type, in a way that can be enforced across your development team.
    • Python: This release contains an opt-in preview of the Python debugger based on the popular open source pydevd debug engine, offering improved performance for many debugging scenarios.
    • iOS and Android mobile development with Xamarin: The XAML editing experience has been greatly improved with full IntelliSense support. iOS devices can be provisioned for development with a single click, saving developers a lot of time and steps. Android and iOS project templates have been re-written to use the latest modern navigation patterns and are now better organized for improved discoverability.

    Visual Studio for Mac, version 7.5

    Visual Studio 2017 wasn’t the only IDE to get an update. Today, we’re announcing Visual Studio for Mac version 7.5. This release includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and several new features:

    Visual Studio For Mac Desktop Application

    • New editors for Razor, JavaScript, and TypeScript for building web projects
    • Updated UI and templates for building serverless solutions with Azure Functions and .NET Core
    • .NET Standard Library projects are now a fully supported option for sharing code between platforms when building Xamarin.Forms solutions.
    • Preview support for Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) in Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) has arrived addressing one of our top UserVoice requests. Developers now have the option to use the existing Git source control integration or the new TFVC integration to manage their code.

    Xamarin.Forms 3.0 General Availability

    Today, we’re announcing immediate availability of Xamarin.Forms 3.0. Xamarin.Forms 3.0 delivers improved stability, faster performance, and new capabilities aimed at making it easier for you to create beautiful apps that work on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows devices.

    Xamarin.Forms 3.0 now builds with .NET Standard 2.0 using multi-targeting, while still maintaining support for PCL profiles and other .NET Standard versions. Projects load much faster when you use .NET Standard project types.

    Xamarin.Forms 3.0 also includes a strong focus on developer productivity. Many developers are already familiar with the Visual State Manager already found in XAML for UWP and WPF. It’s now available for Xamarin.Forms, too. We’ve also heard from many ASP.NET developers who can build amazing layouts for the web using Flexbox and CSS. To empower these developers to build equally impressive layouts on mobile, we’ve added two features to Xamarin.Forms: FlexLayout and CSS. Xamarin.Forms 3.0 introduces both features without compromising the existing XAML experience desktop developers have come to know and love. Finally, because Xamarin apps are deployed globally, we also included right-to-left language support and many quality improvements in the 3.0 release.

    Visual Studio Live Share Public Preview

    Today, we announced the public preview of Visual Studio Live Share. Now any developer can use Live Share to collaborate in real-time with other developers, with instant bi-directional collaboration directly from their existing tools like Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code. With Visual Studio Live Share:

    • It doesn’t matter if the developer sharing doesn’t use the same editor or have the same OS as you; join a Live Share session from your own development environment. No need to install project- specific dependencies or configure runtimes. You’ll view the project in your development tool, retaining all your customizations and themes.
    • Each team member in a Live Share session can separately open files, navigate, edit, and refactor code. Your changes are instantly reflected in your teammate’s editor. You can quickly jump to a teammate’s location and see their cursor as they make edits or pin to follow their actions. Want to focus their attention? Highlight a piece of code and it will highlight on their screen as well.
    • Use Live Share with any language on any application pattern, including serverless, cloud native, and IoT development. At Connect() 2017, we showed Live Share working with JavaScript and Node.js. Today, Live Share supports nearly every language supported by your development tool, including C#, Python, Java, Go, C++, and
    • Full-context sharing – Use Live Share to collaborate across all parts of your development workflow: co-editing, shared debugging, shared terminals, and shared servers (ports).

    Visual Studio IntelliCode

    Visual Studio For Mac

    Visual Studio IntelliCode is a new capability that enhances everyday software development with the power of AI. Today, IntelliCode provides intelligent suggestions to improve developer productivity and code quality in the tool that developers love, Visual Studio. Our vision is to apply AI to empower developers across the entire development lifecycle.

    At Build, we shared a sneak peak of IntelliCode, showing how it uses AI to deliver better context-aware code completions, guide developers to code to the patterns and styles of their team, find difficult-to-catch code issues, and focus code reviews on areas that really matter.

    Developers can sign up for news and a future private preview, as well as gain access to an experimental extension at

    Send us Your Feedback

    Our developer tools and services are shaped by your feedback, so please let us know what you think. To download, install and read documentation for all today’s announcements, go to:

    Visual Studio On A Mac

    If you have any trouble, you can report a problem from inside the IDE on both Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac.

    To track issues, ask questions and find answers, explore the Visual Studio Developer Community. Or, to engage with our team and other Visual Studio developers in real-time chat, try our new Gitter community (requires GitHub account). We welcome your product suggestions through UserVoice. And, should you need it, you can also get free installation help through Live Chat Support.

    Microsoft Visual Studio For Mac

    Finally, don’t forget that we have three full days of announcements, deep dives, and developer interviews to share. You can live-stream or watch on-demand video later from the Microsoft Build website.

    Visual Studio For Mac Os X

    Happy coding.

    Visual Studio For English Mac Japanese Wrong

    1. Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC. Hi, thanks for reporting that the download link sends you to the wrong place. I will file a bug for us to take care of that. Polish-> English (VS on MAC) answer: When I started a project and was forced to download Visual Studio, went to their page and saw that Microsoft logo I knew there would.
    2. A number of free development tools are also available, including Visual Studio Express for Windows, Visual Studio Express for Web and Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop. These tools provide a subset of the functionality available in Visual Studio Professional 2017 and are specific to writing applications targeting these platforms.

    Recently, I wrote a couple of blog post (here and here) about how to enable multi-lingual development scenarios by taking advantage of the Visual Studio IDE UI language switching feature. I would like to add to those previous posts by showing an example of using this feature, including some screenshots.

    Don't get me wrong, Mono is not a bad framework and MonoDevelop is not a bad IDE, but don't expect it to be fully compatible with.NET and Visual Studio. It's like switching from Microsoft Office (. Hacking a quick and dirty syntactic machine translation The goal of this project is to hack a quick and dirty machine translation for English and Japanese that is based on syntax only. Try online the machine translation engine.

    For this example, I will use the English and French versions of the Visual C# 2005 Express Edition. However, it works equally well for any version and UI language of Visual Studio.

    I configured my system as follows:

    1. I installed the English version of the Visual C# 2005 Express Edition
    2. I launched the VC# IDE to verify that everything worked as expected
    3. I installed the French version of the Visual C# 2005 Express Edition
    4. I launched the VC# IDE again to verify that everything still worked. The UI remained in English even though I had installed the French version because this setting was set to use English UI when I launched the IDE in step 2 above

    Now that I have both the French and English versions of VC# Express installed, I can easily switch IDE UI languages. When I launch the IDE with English UI, it appears as follows:

    Once I launch the IDE with English UI, I can do the following to change the UI language to French:

    1. Click on the Tools menu and choose Options...
    2. Check the Show all settings check box at the bottom left of the screen (which is unchecked by default in the VS 2005 Express Editions)
    3. Click the International Settings option under the Environment item in the tree control on the left side of the Options dialog
    4. Select francais in the Language drop down
    5. Click OK to confirm the language change and then press OK on the notification dialog that appears to indicate that the IDE must be restarted for the change to take effect
    6. Close and reopen the IDE

    The English Options dialog looks like the following:

    After following the above steps and then reopening the IDE, VC# will appear as follows:

    I am able to change the language back to English by using the same set of steps as listed above, except I need to refer to the French translation for each of the IDE UI elements. The French Options dialog looks like the following:

    In addition to using the steps listed above, I can change the IDE UI language by using the following command lines:

    • To launch the IDE with English UI: %ProgramFiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEvcsexpress.exe /LCID 1033
    • To launch the IDE with French UI: %ProgramFiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEvcsexpress.exe /LCID 1036

    It is important to note that when using the /LCID command line switch, the default UI language will be updated in the registry when Visual Studio launches. That means that if you had previously configured VS to launch in English and you then pass in /LCID 1036, you will set the default language to French. That means that when you close the IDE and reopen it using the Start menu shortcut it will continue to appear with French UI until you change it in the International Settings section of the Options dialog or launch the IDE with /LCID 1033.

    One other interesting note that I want to emphasize here - IDE language switching will be available even if you don't install the exact same edition of Visual Studio for each language. For example, you can install the English Visual Studio Team Suite and the French Visual Studio Professional. However, the only UI that will correctly switch languages will be components that are common to the two editions that you install on your system. So you might see a mix of two different UI languages depending on what editions you have installed on your system and what features you use within the IDE. In addition, there are limitations in the UI language fallback mechanism for some IDE features, so you may see some features missing from the IDE even though the feature is installed for one of the two UI languages.

    <update date='2/10/2011'> Fixed broken links to images used in this post. </update>

    Active7 months ago

    I have installed Visual Studio 2017 RC, and by default it set language to my system language (Polish) so I was trying to change it to EN but in Options > Environment > International Settings i have only Polish language. There is link to 'download more languages', and it redirects to: there I can only find language packs for VS 15.Anyone know where I can find EN language pack for VS 17 RC?

    1,0662 gold badges16 silver badges30 bronze badges

    8 Answers

    You can only install a language pack at install time in VS 2017 RC. To install RC with a different language:

    1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
    2. Find an addition under 'Available' and click Install
    3. Click on the 'Language packs' tab and select a language

    You can have multiple instances of VS 2017 side by side so this shouldn't interfere with your other installation.

    Disclosure: I work on Visual Studio at Microsoft.

    Michael BraudeMichael Braude
    6,3841 gold badge18 silver badges20 bronze badges
    1. Go to Tools ->Options
    2. Select International Settings in Environment and on the right side of a screen you should see a combo with the list of installed language packages. (so in my case Czech, English and same as on MS Windows )
    3. Click on Ok

    You have to restart Visual Studio to see the change...

    If you are polish (and got polish language settings)

    1. Narzędzia ->Opcje
    2. Ustawienia międzynarodowe in Środowisko

    Hope this helps! Have a great time in Poland!

    snoob dogg
    6481 gold badge9 silver badges22 bronze badges
    Petr HavlátPetr Havlát

    This should solve it:

    1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
    2. Click on the Modify Button.
    3. Choose the Language Pack tab on top left.
    4. Check the language you need and click on the Modify Button at bottom right.
    6,71510 gold badges26 silver badges57 bronze badges
    Tienhao ShenTienhao Shen

    You need reinstall VS.

    Language Pack Support in Visual Studio 2017 RC


    This release of Visual Studio supports only a single language pack for the user interface. You cannot install two languages for the user interface in the same instance of Visual Studio. In addition, you must select the language of Visual Studio during the initial install, and cannot change it during Modify.


    These are known issues that will be fixed in an upcoming release. To change the language in this release, you can uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio.

    Change language to english mac


    Visual Studio For English Mac Japanese Wrong Hole

    1801 gold badge2 silver badges14 bronze badges

    In RC2 (and most likely in the final release) you can switch language from inside Visual Studio and you can modify your setup to include other language packs.

    You can now add and remove multiple user interface languages at any time using the Visual Studio installer on the Language Pack tab. You can select the current user interface language among those installed using Tools > Options > International Settings. Source :

    Irvin Dominin
    28.4k9 gold badges61 silver badges95 bronze badges
    Carl QuirionCarl Quirion

    You can CHANGE user interface LANGUAGE like this:

    Open VS > VS Community > Preferences >Environment > Visual Style > User Interface language



    I didn't find a complete answer here


    You should install your preferred language

    1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
    2. In installed products click on plus Dropdown menu
    3. click edit
    4. then click on language packs
    5. choose you preferred language and finally click on install


    1. Go to Tools -> Options

      2.Select International Settings in Environment on Menu and select you preferred language

      4.Click on Ok

      5.restart visual studio

    4251 gold badge7 silver badges25 bronze badges

    Polish-> English (VS on MAC) answer:When I started a project and was forced to download Visual Studio, went to their page and saw that Microsoft logo I knew there would be problems... And here it is. It occurred difficult to change the language of VS on Mac. My OS is purely English and only because of the fact I downloaded it using a browser with Polish set as a default language I got the wrong version. I had to reinstall the version to the newest and then Visual Studio Community -> Preferences(in the environment section) -> Visual Style-> User Interface Language.

    It translates to polish: Visual Studio Community -> Preferencje -> Styl Wizualny w sekcji Środowisko -> Język interfejsu użytkownika -> English.

    English Mac And Cheese Recipe

    If you don't see such an option then, as I was, you are forced to upgrade this crappy VS to the newest version.


    Visual Studio For English Mac Japanese Wrong Examination

    Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged visual-studiovisual-studio-2017 or ask your own question.

    My Sirius Studio For Mac

    SiriusXM subscribers will be pleased to know that the iOS app was today updated with support for CarPlay, allowing the music service to be used with Apple's in-car platform.
    With CarPlay integration, the SiriusXM app will show up directly within the CarPlay interface, allowing for easier access to the SiriusXM app while in the car.
    What's New in Version 4.2.0
    - We now support Apple CarPlay! Connect your phone in your car and tune to channels, on demand episodes, favorites, and more right from your built-in display.
    - Swipe to tune channels up and down
    SiriusXM is a service that allows customers to stream radio online or in the car, offering 150+ streaming music channels along with news, sports, and talk radio. SiriusXM is natively supported by many in-car infotainment systems, and it is priced starting at $10.99 per month.
    There are, however, a range of different packages offering access to different content at higher price points. The All Access package, for example, costs $20.99 per month and offers all sports channels.
    The SiriusXM app is required on an iOS device for it to work with CarPlay. The app can be downloaded from the App Store for free. [Direct Link]


    My Sirius Studio Update


    My Sirius Studio is the ONLY program I use that is not also made for a mac. Kind of frustrating. Is there a way to make playlists and add music to the Stiletto using a mac? SiriusXM shares their top picks just for you of what’s on air and online right now. See more of what went down, and what’s coming up on the SiriusXM Blog. Music Sports Entertainment News & Issues Howard Stern I Have a Trial in My Vehicle. Learn about My Trial; Get My Username and Password to Listen Online.

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    Sirius satellite radio appears to be serious about the latest S50 update. Last weekend I got an automated phone call from Sirius telling me that I needed to do the update, and this week I got a large card in the mail once again stating the importance of the update.

    The communications stress that is important to do this update in order to avoid disruption of service. Knowing that the S50 is in my wife's car, I guess it really would be prudent to get the update completed.

    A Sirius web page explains the steps of the update in detail.

    You must download and install this new S50 update to maintain uninterrupted service.

    SIRIUS Satellite Radio is making improvements to our broadcast systems. In order to maintain uninterrupted service, you must download and install the latest update to your S50. Installing the updates will not affect your loved songs or recorded talk programs. Follow the instructions below to download and install the updates. You must have a PC operating under either Windows 2000 or Windows XP to update your S50 using My SIRIUS Studio™.

    If you have a Windows operating system that is not compatible with My SIRIUS Studio™, such as Vista, please refer to our alternative updating instructions located here. SIRIUS S50 is not compatible with Mac operating systems.


    Before You Begin make sure the battery is installed in the S50 and it is fully charged. If the battery is not installed, or is only partially charged, the software updates may not install properly.

    During the process, you will be asked to dock your S50 in a car or home dock. This dock will need to have a good SIRIUS signal for the process to complete successfully. Whichever dock you have, make sure the antenna has an unobstructed view of the sky above.

    So, get cracking and update that S50.

    For those that have heard conspiracy theories about this update relating to the merger, I think you can rest assured that there is no ties with this update making the S50 more capable in a post merger environment. Here is waht the update does:

    - Bookmarking functionality for schedule recording playback. Now you can pick up where you left off while listening to all your schedule recording content after turning the unit off and on again.

    - Preventing your united from locking up following power fluctuations (like being switched on and off very rapidly.)

    - Fixed issues with some recorded SIRIUS content not being able to be played back.

    My Sirius Studio For Mac

    - Fixed artist and song title and icon representations during playback

    - Minor user interface improvements.

    Position - Long Sirius

    Post CommentPosted in Hardware

    My Sirius Studio

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  • Tristan28says:April 29, 2008 at 7:14 am

    If the update only addresses these issues:
    – Bookmarking functionality for schedule recording playback. Now you can pick up where you left off while listening to all your schedule recording content after turning the unit off and on again.
    – Preventing your unit from locking up following power fluctuations (like being switched on and off very rapidly.)
    – Fixed issues with some recorded SIRIUS content not being able to be played back.
    – Fixed artist and song title and icon representations during playback
    – Minor user interface improvements.

    Why would the service be disrupted if the update is not done? Why is Sirius not providing a deadline date to have the update installed? They should know when this new programming was going to take effect, thus turning the S50’s into useless iPods.

    ReplySiriusUser32says:May 21, 2008 at 2:10 am

    I was hounded by email and phone to do this manditory update , finally i gave in and did it , all the while i had no problems with s50 , after the update the s50 was in the car dock for 2 days working TILL i undocked it , then it was toast , no support from sirius , they do not sell or repair or support the unit , googled the problem , many others had the same problem after undocking that was it , my thoughts its a conspirisy to kill the units ! tryed the 3 finger salute and reinstall firmware , just freezes . Thanks alot sirius !


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  • Visual Studio For Mac Preview

    Microsoft spoilt the surprise a few days ago by prematurely publishing a blog post, but today, it officially announced Visual Studio for Mac, bringing a version of its popular software development suite to Apple systems. Microsoft described it as a 'one-stop shop for .NET development on the Mac, including Android, iOS and .NET Core technologies.'

    I'm ready to bet Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio for Mac will never connect to TFVC. Edit: I lost my bet for Visual Studio Code, it can connect to TFVC using the Visual Studio Team Services extension since version 1.116.0 (2017/04/12).

    Microsoft said that VS for Mac includes 'the same Roslyn-powered compiler, IntelliSense code completion, and refactoring experience you would expect from a Visual Studio IDE', adding:

    Since Visual Studio for Mac uses the same MSBuild solution and project format as Visual Studio, developers working on Mac and Windows can share projects across Mac and Windows transparently.

    1. Although Microsoft's new Visual Studio for Mac 7.4 preview is mostly a 'fix stuff' release, it does add support for Android Oreo 8.1 along with some productivity boosts for.
    2. Download Visual Studio Code to experience a redefined code editor, optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads.

    With multi-process debugging, you can use Visual Studio for Mac to debug both your front end application as well as your backend simultaneously.

    The company says that VS for Mac ties in perfectly to its 'mobile first, cloud first' mantra. For mobile development, software creators can expect:

    Visual Studio For Mac Free

    • The full power of the beloved-by-millions C# 7 programming language
    • Complete .NET APIs for Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and macOS
    • The Xamarin.Forms API abstraction to maximize code sharing
    • Access to thousands of .NET libraries on to accelerate your mobile development
    • Highly optimized native code backed by the LLVM optimizing compiler

    Microsoft promises that integrating mobile apps with a cloud backend is exceptionally simple too, whether you're using a custom backend solution, or connecting with pre-packaged Azure services:

    Visual Studio For Mac Preview

    You can use .NET Core to build your own backend services and deploy these to your Windows or Linux servers on Visual Studio for Mac, while the project templates will get you up and running with an end-to-end configuration.


    Visual Studio For Mac Preview Not Working

    Additionally developers can easily integrate Azure mobile services into their application for things like push notifications, data storage, and user accounts and authentication with Azure App Services. This is available in the new “Connected Services” project node.

    Visual Studio For Mac Review

    The first Visual Studio for Mac Preview is available to download today, but Microsoft says that it's already working to bring more features to Mac users in the coming months.

    Best Recording Studio For Mac

    Want to know the easiest way to piss-off a recording geek? Here’s what you do: If he uses a PC in his studio, tell him Macs are better. If he uses a Mac, tell him PC’s are better. Because for some strange reason, this topic incites violent debatesthat last. Want to know the easiest way to piss-off a recording geek? Here’s what you do: If he uses a PC in his studio, tell him Macs are better. If he uses a Mac, tell him PC’s are better. Because for some strange reason, this topic incites violent debatesthat last forever, and result in no real conclusions.

    Which are the best audio interfaces? The answer depends on what YOU want to record. Read on to discover what audio interface you need for your home recording studio. To make it easy, we have selected the one we think is best for each recording situation. For more detailed information, you might want to refer to our in-depth guide on choosing an audio interface. But read on for our quick time-saving round-up! First, though, a video of the key things you need to consider to choose the best audio interface for your recording needs.

    [The following content contains affiliate links. For more information, read our disclosure policy here.]


    The versatile Presonus iTwo Multi-Platform USB Interface

    Complete Recording Studio: The iTwo Audio Interface With Mic and Headphones

    In our view, the Presonus Audiobox iTwo is a great all-round USB audio interface for several reasons:

    • Multi-platform: PC, Mac and iPad. Buy once, use with your iPad, laptop and desktop. So designed from the ground up to be versatile and mobile..
    • Audio AND MIDI on one interface. Very few interfaces tick both boxes at this pricepoint.
    • Recording software included to get started immediately. Also works with any other recording software or DAW you want to use
    • Record vocals, guitar, keyboard, any acoustic instrument (via mic), any line level signal
    • Two high quality mic/line inputs. Record 2 mics or any combination of 2 inputs at the same time.
    • Available in two packages. If you already have mic and headphones then you can purchase the iTwo audio interface as a separate, or buy the complete iTwo studio package complete with everything you need to set up your first professional home recording studio.

    The bestselling (and great looking) Scarlett 2i2 USB Audio Interface

    The Scarlett 2i2 is also available in a hugely popular recording pack complete with microphone and headphones

    Best Recording Studio For Apple Computer

    The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB Audio Interface has been a consistent best-seller since its launch. And here is why. Firstly, very high quality microphone pre-amps. Focusrite was founded in 1985 and has been designing and manufacturing high-end audio equipment ever since. Quick to spot the trend for integrating mic pre-amps into recording interfaces, they have set the standard that others follow in home recording equipment.

    The Focusrite 2i2 is not just a great looking interface. It has two mic inputs (with the before-mentioned pre-amps) that can be switched to instrument level input. You can effortlessly record two mono tracks at once (say vocals and guitar) or you can record a stereo track (for example the sound of your digital piano or keyboard). This would be our pick for a vocalist.

    If you are in the process of buying your first home recording studio equipment, then we particularly recommend the Scarlett 2i2 Studio Bundle. With mic, headphones and XLR cable, plus Pro Tools software, it really has everything you need to get started, and is easy to set up. Literally thousands of these have been sold with good reason. A solid choice if you want to record on Mac or Windows. (NB can also be used with iPad or iPhone if you purchase the Apple Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter . This cable will allow you to power the interface and so you won’t get that annoying ‘Device requires too much power’ error message)

    The Best Audio Interface For Guitarists And Vocalists

    Perfect interface for Guitar and vocals: the Focusrite Scarlett Solo Studio

    Complete Mobile Recording Studio for Guitar and Vocals: the Scarlett Solo Studio USB Complete With Mic and Headphones

    If you want to record guitar on PC or Mac, then we recommend the Focusrite Scarlett Solo. Designed from the ground up to record guitar and vocals, with specialist inputs for microphone and instrument. This interface works perfectly out of the box on PC or Mac. You can also record on iPad if you buy the Apple MK0W2AM/A Lightning To USB Camera Adapter.

    Record direct onto your iPad, into Garageband or other apps, as well as on your Mac or PC. It is just one bit of guitar recording kit designed to be totally mobile, portable and multi-platform.

    Also consider the Scarlett Solo Studio which comes with complete with a professional mic, headphones and cables. An instant studio in a box with everything you need to start recording your guitar. And absolutely created for the guitar-vocalist.

    The Scarlett Solo is also perfect for podcasters and YouTubers – especially the studio pack with the mic and headphones. This will seriously professionalise your video voiceovers and podcasts.

    Great Recording Interfaces For Keyboard and Piano Players

    The iRig Pro Duo is perfect for keyboard players: small, works with phone, iPad, PC and Mac, has MIDI and 2-channel audio

    The Presonus Audiobox is a well-priced option to record keyboard on PC or Mac. If you want to use with iPad, choose the Audiobox iTwo instead

    Why the iRig Pro Duo audio interface for keyboard players? We love it for all these reasons:

    • Very small – so very easy to find somewhere to put it near your keyboard or piano
    • Has MIDI as well as high-quality 2-channel audio for stereo recording of your keyboard
    • The most multi-platform. Works with Android phones, iPhones, iPad, PC and Mac. We don’t know of another device like it. So it really is highly useful for keyboard players

    We have also included the Presonus Audiobox here, as one of the best value audio interfaces on the market if you want to record 2-channel audio and MIDI, and you want to use it on Windows or Mac. If you do want to use your iPad, then you’d be better off with the Audiobox iTwo which is slightly more expensive … see review above.

    The Yamaha AG03 works well on iPad when combined with the Apple camera connection kit

    Record on your iPad on a budget! The Tascam iXZ makes it very easy to connect a pro mic, guitar or instrument to your iPad.

    There is no shortage of choice of interface when it comes to recording on your iPad. There are audio interfaces for iPad at every price point. We have already pointed out the Audiobox iTwo, the iRig Pro Duo. And that’s just for starters.

    The great thing about all those is they are multi-platform, so you can use them with your iPad, your Mac and any Windows machine.

    Best Imac For Audio Recording

    But here are another two options, each slightly different.

    The Yamaha AG03 can turn your iPad into a professional looking recording studio. Although you will also need to purchase the Apple Lightning to USB Adapter, once you have that this Yamaha USB Mixer will work very well on iPad. Yamaha recommends the Cubase App available from the Apple App Store.

    On a very tight budget, the Tascam iXZ iPad recording interface is really worth considering. Perfect if you just want to connect a condenser mic or record your guitar. High quality and very inexpensive. Plus small enough to travel easily with your iPad.

    Note … the above are all recommended because they have been designed specifically for iPad and iPhone. BUT here’s the thing … you can use many USB audio interfaces directly with iPad or iPhone if you purchase the Apple Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter.

    Once you have picked out the perfect audio interface for you, don’t forget to order all the audio cables you’re going to need. If you’re not sure about this, then you’ll find our post on audio cable types useful. And also consider whether you need new studio headphones to mix and monitor, and/or a good set of studio monitors.

    THE Best Selling And Most Popular Audio Interfaces in 2019

    This is a bang up to date list of the absolute best-selling audio interfaces right now. If in doubt, this gives you a useful guide to what is most popular in home recording. As you will see, the best brands (Focusrite, Presonus, Behringer etc) all feature often in the top 10. For a reason. Well priced, good features, and the tech support and backup of a good audio specialist company.
    Bestseller No. 1 Jwcm 5.0 Earbuds Earphones Stereo Sports Headphons Earbuds Noise Cancelling and Waterproof Headsets...
    • Please authorize jscdwhcm stores to ship through Amazon Warehouse,Other stores are not this product.
    • 【COMFORTABLE DESIGN & SWEATPROOF】: Super lightweight and the stabilizer design according to ear geometry to ensure secure, comfortable fit for any ear....
    • 【UNIQUE QUICK CHARGE BOX】: Ultra-lightweight and portable charging case with large capacity lithium batteries and let you enjoy 3-4 hours continuous music...
    SaleBestseller No. 2

    Apple Recording Studio Package

    Bluetooth Headphones 5.0 Earbuds Earphones Stereo Sports Headphons Earbuds Noise Cancelling and...
    • 【EASY USE】: Built-in microphone, suitable for car or sports hands-free calling, one-button design allows headset to easily switch voice calls and music.
    • 【COMFORTABLE DESIGN & SWEATPROOF】: Super lightweight and the stabilizer design according to ear geometry to ensure secure, comfortable fit for any ear....
    • 【UNIQUE QUICK CHARGE BOX】: Ultra-lightweight and portable charging case with large capacity lithium batteries and let you enjoy 3-4 hours continuous music...
    SaleBestseller No. 3 Focusrite Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools | First
    • One of the best performing mic preamps the Scarlett range has ever seen, now with switchable air Mode to give your recordings a brighter and more Open sound....
    • High-performance converters enable you to record and mix at up to 24-bit/ 192kHz
    • Quick start tool to get up and running easier than ever
    SaleBestseller No. 4 Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools | First
    • Two of the best performing mic preamps the Scarlett range has ever seen, now with switchable air Mode to give your recordings a brighter and more Open sound....
    • High-performance converters enable you to record and mix at up to 24-bit/ 192kHz
    • Quick start tool to get up and running easier than ever
    SaleBestseller No. 5 BEHRINGER audio interface (UMC22)
    • 2x2 USB audio interface for recording microphones and instruments
    • Audiophile 48 kHz resolution for professional audio quality. Drivers-mac, no driver required or coreaudio supported. Windows available as download from...
    • Compatible with popular recording software including Avid Pro Tools*, Ableton Live*, Steinberg Cubase*, etc.
    Bestseller No. 6 IK Multimedia iRig 2 Guitar Interface Adaptor for iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad (IPIRIG2PLGIN)
    • The sequel to the best-selling rig interface. 1/4' Instrument input for use with guitar, bass and other line instruments
    • 1/4' Amplifier output for use with an external amplifier without an adaptor
    • 1/8' TRRS output for use with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

    Best Recording Studio For Windows 10

    Bestseller No. 7 Focusrite Scarlett Solo (2nd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools | First
    • One natural-sounding Scarlett mic preamp with plenty of even gain; one instrument input, Stereo line outputs on RCA phono for connecting to home speakers; one...
    • Class-leading conversion and sample rates up to 192kHz / 24 bit; super-low latency for using your plug-ins in real time without the need for DSP
    • LIMITED TIME OFFER: FREE Venomode DeeQ, Maximal 2, and Pivot, plug-ins upon registration and download.
    Bestseller No. 8 Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (2nd Gen) USB Audio Interface with Pro Tools | First
    • Two natural-sounding Scarlett mic preamps with plenty of even gain; two instrument inputs. Two 1/4-inch balanced jack outputs to connect professional studio...
    • Class-leading conversion and sample rates up to 192kHz / 24 bit; super-low roundtrip latency for using your plug-ins in real time without the need for DSP
    • LIMITED TIME OFFER: FREE Venomode DeeQ, Maximal 2, and Pivot, plug-ins upon registration and download.
    Bestseller No. 9 BEHRINGER U-PHORIA UMC202HD, 2-Channel (
    • 2x2 USB 2.0 audio interface for recording microphones and instruments
    • Audiophile 24-Bit/192 kHz resolution for professional audio quality
    • Compatible with popular recording software including Avid Pro Tools*, Ableton Live*, Steinberg Cubase*, etc.

    Home Recording Studio Mac

    SaleBestseller No. 10 BEHRINGER Audio Interface, 4-Channel (UMC404HD)
    • 4x4 USB 2.0 Audio/MIDI Interface for recording microphones and instruments
    • Audiophile 24-Bit/192 kHz resolution for professional audio quality
    • Compatible with popular recording software including Avid Pro Tools*, Ableton Live*, Steinberg Cubase*, etc.

    Best Free Recording Studio For Mac

    Last updated on 2019-09-06 / Affiliate links / Images via Amazon Product Advertising API